Each fairyfly weighs a minuscule amount due to its minuscule size. It is reasonable to assume that no fairyfly weighs more than 1 mg. Termites, which can grow to be about 10 times larger, only weigh 2.5 mg. Therefore, it is possible to estimate how little the fairyflies weigh.
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Obviously, it failed. McDonald's has been introducing healthy choices onto its menus for the last decade. It now provides a wide variety of salads, and in 2011, it made it possible to substitute apples for fries in Happy Meals. However, before settling on apples, the fast food company experimented with a variety of fruits and vegetables, most notably broccoli. But not just any broccoli will do. Recognizing that youngsters dislike the waxy green vegetable, McDonald's designed it to taste like bubblegum.
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San Marino has never been invaded and has always maintained its independence. Cesare Borgia attempted unsuccessfully to seize it in the 1500s and 1700s, and it even resisted joining the Papal State. Fortunately, when the Napoleonic army came in the 18th century, San Marino was a political entity with a republican government. They retained its autonomy while also making economic concessions to it. The three distinctive towers of the old town, which are also featured on the flag, represent the tenacity of the Republic.
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For the customer's process, reliable and efficient machine performance, ease of use, minimal service costs, and efficient cleaning are critical. Flottweg incorporates several functions into its equipment, providing the customer with optimal availability and flexibility. The innovative impeller system, the Simp Drive® gearbox, and an enhanced hygienic design are among these benefits. For its easy use, the Flottweg InGo user interface received the German Design Award 2018.
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The hashtag that had seen the greatest rise in popularity during the previous year was #photography.