The World's Most Famous Treasury Is Actually A Graveyard Petra's Treasury, contrary to popular belief, is not a looming maze of booby-trapped rooms designed to separate the righteous from the unworthy, but rather a relatively small area that is most likely a beautifully decorated graveyard. Any buried treasure was most likely removed a long time ago, but the Treasury facade is a work of art, lovingly carved by the Nabataeans centuries ago.
Hawaiian art and culture have a rich history of mythology and folklore, and one of their scariest tales is that of the Hukai’po, which translates to “Spirit Ranks.” Also known as Nightmarchers, the Hukai’po are thought to be ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors who come out on sacred nights to reenact old battles, toting archaic weapons, helmets, cloaks, and raised torches. Anyone in their path risks harm, though it is suggested that you may be spared if you show proper respect to the marchers.
Devotees bring Lord Surya unique and distinctive prasad (holy food), which usually consists of sweets, Kheer, Thekua, and fruits stored in a bamboo tokari. Salt, onions, or garlic should not be added to the prasad. Date fruits are the most essential offering during this Chhath puja (Khajur). After the last aarti to Lord Sun, the devotee distributes the date fruits to everyone in attendance.
Harry Chandler, publisher of the Los Angeles Times, built the sign in 1923. It began as a $21,000 billboard for Chandler's Hollywoodland real estate development. In 1949, the sign was shortened to the one we are all familiar with.
This may come as a surprise given that Eric McCormack (better known as Will from Will & Grace) made headlines when he revealed that he auditioned "two or three times" for Ross. However, because executive producer Kevin Bright had previously worked with Schwimmer, the writers were already developing Ross's character in Schwimmer's voice. Schwimmer was, in fact, the first person to be cast in the show
While a sighted person can read 300 words per minute, some fast braille readers can whip through a book at a speed of 400 words per minute. The key to reading braille so quickly is a light touch – and using both hands (one hand reads while the other is poised to start on the next line).
It’s a tactile alphabet that can be used to write almost any language. There are braille versions of Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew and many others.
Who can forget Gwyneth Paltrow's sobbing during her 1999 acceptance speech for Best Actress for "Shakespeare in Love"? Or Julia Roberts, who burst out laughing and neglected to thank "Erin Brockovich," the subject of her movie. However, Greer Garson, an actress, received the award for Best Supporting Actress in 1934 and delivered a speech that was seven minutes long.
When most people hear the word "hypnosis," they immediately think of stage hypnosis. This is the popular show in which a hypnotist selects seemingly random people, puts them to sleep, and then forces them to perform hilarious (and somewhat mean) tricks for laughs. Stage hypnosis, as entertaining as it is, has little to do with clinical hypnosis. The latter is a recognised form of therapy that assists people in overcoming various ailments through a relaxed mind and strategic suggestion.
Yes, Prayagraj has got its name back after 443 years. It was earlier known as Prayag. The name is still used by the local people. King Akbar gave it the name Allahabad. He realized the importance of the city Prayag and built a fort at the river Confluence known as Sangam. The city got the locational advantage and it went on to become an important junction for the East India Company.
As each belligerent nation scrambled to furnish its armed forces with adequate personnel and equipment, national resources were mobilised. Early failures in weapons manufacture in the United Kingdom resulted in complete government participation in war production. By 1918, its industry had produced approximately 4 million rifles, 250,000 machine guns, 52,000 aeroplanes, 2,800 tanks, 25,000 artillery pieces, and over 170 million rounds of artillery shells thanks to these regulations.
In 1999, NASA’s Deep Space 1 probe flew past an asteroid while on its way to photograph the Borrelly comet. NASA named the asteroid “9969 Braille” in honor of Louis Braille.
When you visualise with your vision boards every day, you will strengthen your commitment and resolve to attain your goals in life. According to studies, those who frequently regard themselves as successful are less inclined to give up on their aspirations. Highly successful personalities such as Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Tiger Woods frequently saw themselves as successful, regardless of the hardships they faced along the way. This is because when you think about achieving your objectives, you will feel motivated and inspired, and you will feel certain that you will want to take action to attain them. When you are optimistic, you are more inclined to persevere during difficult times.
Civet is an animal whose anal secretions are used in perfumes. Why would anyone do that, you ask? Well, the initially pungent and repulsive smell, when used in small amounts, has a warm floral character when used in smaller amounts. If you don’t believe that something like this can smell nice, you should know that Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy have all used this note in popular perfumes like Coco, Chanel No.5, Diorissimo, Kouros, Gentleman, and more.
Batman's 'one rule' is that he never kills his adversaries.' It is not always followed by Flash. Reverse Flash, his arch-nemesis, once attempted to murder his would-be wife, Fiona Webb. Barry became infuriated and accidentally snapped his long-time adversary's neck. Notably, Flash from the future has blown up Gorilla Grodd's skull, attempted to murder his earlier self, and even killed Wally West from the future.
Legend has it this 15th-century vase was given to a bride on the eve of her wedding in Naples, Italy, but she was murdered that night holding the artifact. After her death, any family member it passed to also died. The family stored the vase, but it resurfaced in 1988 with a note warning of its capabilities. Even so, the vase was auctioned off for $2,250 without the note. The pharmacist who bought it died shortly after as did various others who owned it until, finally, a family demanded that the police do away with it completely.
Many people find it difficult to understand that a city with so many buildings also offers so much natural beauty. Hiking the green paths is a popular weekend activity among Hong Kong residents.
There are several historical highlights at Niagara Falls. One of the oldest United States flags still in existence, seized by the British during the War of 1812, is on display at Old Fort Niagara. Lewiston was the site of the opening fight of the War of 1812 and the final terminus for the Underground Railroad, a network of hidden passageways for escaping slaves. The original Flight of Five Locks, a mechanism for elevating and lowering boats, was completed in 1815 and is still operational on the Erie Canal near Lockport, giving the largest lift in the shortest distance on all U.S.-made canals.
The majority of the outward indicators of aging on your skin are caused by the sun, which is why dermatologists have created the unique category of photoaging for sun damage.
In 1996, a team of anatomists at the University of Adelaide in Australia revealed that koala and human fingerprints are readily confused, most likely due to the fact that koalas are primates' progenitors.
If you add salt to your milk, it will last longer. Adding a pinch of salt or baking soda to each carton as soon as you open it will keep milk fresh for more than a week after it has expired. The active ingredients preserve the milk, preventing it from spoiling as quickly as it would otherwise. You could also put it in the freezer!
This species lacks eyes, heads, tails, mouths, and brains. They are still alive! They spend most of their lives entrenched in one place. Their bodies are covered in holes, which sea sponges use to pump water and filter out food particles!
While humidity levels in the Western United States' Mojave Desert can reach up to 50%, you'll only get a fraction of that moisture aboard a plane. According to the World Health Organization, the average aircraft has a humidity level of less than 20%.
In the southeast of Europe is the Republic of Bulgaria. The Balkan Peninsula includes it. In addition to the Black Sea on its eastern border, Bulgaria is bordered by Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Romania to the north, and Turkey, and Greece to the south.
Puncak Jaya is the highest peak of Mount Jayawijaya in Indonesia's Papua Province. It is the tallest island mountain in the world, standing 4,884 meters above sea level. It is also the only site in Indonesia where you may play in the snow.
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