The Carolingian Empire was a European empire that included what is now France, Italy, and the Netherlands. It also covered sections of Austria, Spain, and the majority of Germany. The name derives from its founder, Charles the Great, or Charlemagne as he is more popularly known. Charlemagne destroyed the Frisians in what is now the Netherlands and the Saxons in Northern Germany throughout his conquests. Both the Frisians and the Saxons were Viking adversaries who had previously kept them in check. As the Carolingian Empire fell following Charlemagne's death, the now-unchecked Vikings exploited Europe's vulnerability.
Two monks from Thessalon invented the Cyrillic script, which is used in Bulgaria, in the ninth century. One of the less well-known facts about Bulgaria is this.
Are you relocating to South Korea and looking for a new home? If you're organizing a housewarming party ( | jipdeuri) when you move in, skip the toilet paper and laundry detergent. You'll receive a lot of it as presents! One of the unique and entertaining facts about South Korea is that toilet paper and laundry detergent are frequently given as housewarming presents. While you may need to clear some room in your home to store all of the additional household items, the beautiful thing about this custom is that it makes choosing housewarming gifts a breeze.
Mount Agung and Mount Batur are Bali's two towering volcanoes, and both are still active. Mount Agung is regarded as the most sacred location on the island. Gunung Agung, as it is known, last erupted in November 2018 and continues to erupt with intermittent gassy belches. The Balinese believe that Mount Agung is a duplicate of Mount Meru, the universe's central axis. It is the highest point on the island, standing at 3,142 metres.
"If you write with a pencil, you get three different looks at it to see if the reader is getting what you want him to," Hemingway said. First, read it over; then, once typed, you have another chance to improve it; and finally, in the proof. Writing it in pencil first gives you a third more chance to improve it."
Legend has it this 15th-century vase was given to a bride on the eve of her wedding in Naples, Italy, but she was murdered that night holding the artifact. After her death, any family member it passed to also died. The family stored the vase, but it resurfaced in 1988 with a note warning of its capabilities. Even so, the vase was auctioned off for $2,250 without the note. The pharmacist who bought it died shortly after as did various others who owned it until, finally, a family demanded that the police do away with it completely.
Zurich was named the world's third most expensive city in both the Worldwide Cost of Living Survey and the Mercer Cost of Living Survey. Zurich is also the most populous canton, with a population of 402,762 people. The median property price is CHF 13,000 ($13,036) per square metre, with a three-bedroom apartment renting for CHF 2,324 ($2,330) per month. However, the average pay in Switzerland is CHF 103,296 ($103.298), so they can't really complain.
According to the findings, smoking is related to an increased risk of back discomfort. "According to the current study, current smokers who smoked more cigarettes per day had a greater prevalence of back discomfort.". In brief, nicotine reduces blood flow and circulation, which slows healing and diminishes bone strength. This should be even more incentive to give up smoking!
The majority of animal species in the Antarctic eat krill, and some, like the Adélie and chinstrap penguins, rely almost entirely on it for nutrition. Even the teeth of crabeater seals are specially designed for consuming krill. Furthermore, according to recent studies, humpback and fin whales, whose populations are now stabilised after centuries of whaling, consume a combined 2 million metric tonnes of krill annually from a small area close to the Antarctic Peninsula where the majority of the world's commercial krill fisheries are based.
Apart from being a major tea producer, Sri Lanka is well-known for its cinnamon, which is an essential component in many of the country's delectable dishes. It is thought to have originated in the teardrop nation and was discovered by the Egyptians around 2000 BC. Sri Lanka remains the world's biggest exporter of cinnamon today.
Collagen stimulates the production of elastin, a protein that helps to improve skin elasticity. It firms your skin while also preventing sagging. Furthermore, elastin repairs skin tissues and aids in the cell renewal process, which revitalises your skin, making it youthful and wrinkle-free.
Pay attention. Advise my patients to trust their body knowledge. They should consult their doctor if they find something has altered or just doesn't feel right.
The only creatures that live permanently on Mt. Everest are jumping spiders. Jumping spiders lurk in nooks and crannies on the slopes of Everest at a height of 6,700 meters (22,000 ft), making them one of the Earth's highest permanent dwellers. Animals such as the snow leopard, Himalayan tahr (a goat-like species), and Himalayan yak may be found below an elevation of 6,000 meters.
A black and white film or photograph is often more difficult to recall than a colour image. Color, according to scientists, has a stronger appeal to the senses and thus leaves a more lasting impression on the memory.
In 1901, Annie Edson Taylor, a 63-year-old teacher, was the first to take this spectacular voyage down the surging waters of Niagara Falls in a self-designed barrel constructed of iron and oak and padded with a mattress. While she survived, such a trip is not recommended for obvious safety reasons, and individuals who try a reckless act over Niagara Falls face a hefty fine as well as the expense of rescue. Over a dozen additional individuals have gone over the falls since Taylor.
You might not be able to identify a current Swedish musician or band off the top of your head. However, there is no question that you have heard Swedish music. For years, Swedish-produced or Swedish-written songs (including big British and American singles) have dominated the charts. You've probably heard of ABBA. Since winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974, this band has opened the way for other Swedish talents. This includes musicians such as Roxette, Robyn, Lykke Li, Avicii, and others who have achieved international acclaim. If you like ABBA, you should go to the ABBA Museum in Stockholm.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, as the saying goes, and this proved to be true for a very early design of the mousetrap. Colin Pullinger unveiled his Perpetual Mousetrap in the mid-1800s, claiming that it would last a lifetime. Pullinger could still make that claim more than a century later.Even without bait, the 155-year-old device on display at England's Museum of English Rural Life caught a mouse that snuck into it in 2016. In an attempt to build a nest, the mouse entered the trap and activated the see-saw mechanism. Unfortunately, the rodent did not make it. The perpetual mousetrap, on the other hand, clearly does!
Viking refers to a procedure in which exhausted rowers aboard a ship turned up their seats to the fresh rowers in Old Norse. The title usually refers to a man who works aboard a ship. Another suggestion is that the title is derived from the Norse phrase for a sea-mile. Even though it makes the connection between man and the water, this idea is less widely recognized among academics. The phrase, which has Old English roots, refers to a poem from the 9th century about pirates and raids from Scandinavia.
There are genuine Christmas trees, artificial Christmas trees, and a 30-foot Christmas tree constructed of tumbleweeds in Chandler, Arizona. According to Fodor's Travel, it takes 1,200 tumbleweeds to build the edifice, which is then sprayed in glitter and 20 litres of flame retardant.
In a perfectly dark room, close your eyes. When you open them, the hue you see is known as eigengrau, which translates to "intrinsic grey." When there is no light, humans see a tone of dark grey.
The Newark Scientific Association investigated "The Kentucky Meat Shower" meat and discovered that it contained lung tissue from either a horse or an infant (both organ structures are quite similar), muscle tissue, and cartilage.
The Artist' may lead the film pack this year, with 12 Academy Award nods, but the most nominated movies of all time garnered a whopping 14 nominations. First up was the black and white film All About Eve in 1950. 50 years later, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's doomed love story 'Titanic' sank all competition.
The photophores, which are glandular, light-producing organs, allow krill to glow. The purpose of this function, according to experts, is either for krill to communicate with one another when they swarm or to confound and elude predators.
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