Sheep was Nirvana's working title for their sophomore album. This was apparently a snide remark about the people who might buy the album, as Cobain wrote in his journal, "Because you don't want to because everyone else is." According to bassist Krist Novoselic, the title reflects the band's cynicism.
Allahabad is located at the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati. These rivers are known as the holiest rivers in the Hindu culture. The beautiful place where these rivers meet is known as Triveni Sangam.
Dennis Quaid is a movie star, but he also has some killer dance moves! While attending the University of Houston, the actor said that he studied dance. He described it as an "amazing exercise" in Us Weekly.
Mango is not only the national fruit of India, but also of Pakistan and the Philippines.Mango is a true star of the summer because it is juicy, pulpy, and delicious. This season, make sure to sample as many as you can.
In uncontracted braille, every word is spelled out. Contracted braille is a “shorthand” version where common words are abbreviated, much like “don’t” is a shorter version of “do” and “not.” Most children learn uncontracted braille before they learn the contracted version.
Spiders, unlike humans, have blue blood. However, there is a scientific explanation for this. In humans, oxygen is bound to an iron-containing molecule, which gives our blood its red colour. However, in spiders, the molecule to which oxygen is bound contains copper, giving their blood a blue colour.
Catnip's hidden ingredients include nepetalactone, an organic substance, and nepetalic acid, a metabolic consequence of nepetalactone. While ingesting it works, Demos claims that even smelling it might pique kitty's curiosity.
House centipedes are the most prevalent species of centipede found in residences and establishments, thus their name. This is because house centipedes have a completely special ability to live their entire life cycle indoors, from egg to old age.
The fundamental technology behind windmills was undoubtedly derived from the wind sails that were used to steer ships. However, the first instance of wind energy being used to help automate routine manual tasks, such as pumping water or grinding grain, was most likely in Persia. Last but not least, the first vertical axis windmill design that has been historically recorded is the Persian panemone windmill, with records of the technology dating back as far as 1,500 years. The vertical sail on this particular specimen was made of bundles of reeds or wood, which were then fastened to the central vertical shaft with the aid of horizontal struts.
Protein in your body aids in skin texture improvement, and collagen alone accounts for 30% of total protein in the body. The protein in your body repairs skin tissues and promotes cell growth. Amino acids in the body help to keep skin cells hydrated and moist by locking moisture into the skin. It also makes your skin soft, healthy, and bouncy.
Korean is a member of the Altaic language family. It has a kinship with Turkish, Mongolian, and Manchu (a Chinese dialect). Korean grammar is most similar to Japanese. It also contains several Chinese words. As a result, learning Korean will help you get a jump start on learning Japanese and some Chinese terminology.
The Journal of Experimental Psychology published a study in January 2014 that found babies as young as nine months old recognise that their friends have similar interests. Babies appear to have expectations about the social world even before they can talk. Even at such a young age, we understand what it takes to be friends.
When there is too much snow for cities to handle, it is usually hauled away to parking lots or other wide-open spaces where it can sit until the weather warms up. Cities are sometimes forced to dump snow in the ocean during particularly snowy seasons, only to be chastised by environmental activists. Snow melters, which use hot water to melt 30 to 50 tonnes of snow per hour, are used in some cities. This method is quick but expensive—a single machine can cost $200,000 and consume 60 gallons of fuel in an hour.
After an additional 5 minutes, 90% of recollection is gone. Sigmund Freud believed this was because dreams represent our repressed thoughts and so our brain wants to get rid of them quickly. However, it’s much more likely due to our brains simply being used much more as soon as we’re awake and so we forget much of what we’ve dreamed about.
Yes! You read that right. Parrots have zygodactyl feet. Parrots' feet are much like human hands that they use to pick up their food and bring it to their mouth. They have one of the strongest feet among all the birds, which they use to clench branches for a long period. The strong feet even allow these birds to hang upside down from the branches.
Streptococcus bacteria are the cause of erysipelas. Your skin will develop elevated red spots that resemble blisters. The leaves should be ground into a pulp that you combine with equal parts ghee. To gain relief, apply this combination to the troublesome areas.
Christened Alexandrina (but called Drina as a child), she started using Victoria—her middle name—at 18 when she ascended to the throne.
Are you prone to mosquito bites? Iceland will suit you perfectly! Iceland is mosquito-free, thanks to a lack of small ponds and temperatures that are unfavourable for mosquito breeding – so you can sleep with your windows open anytime you like.
It's no secret that Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. But did you realise that Greece receives approximately 17 million tourists each year? That is nearly double Greece's overall population. It is one of the few countries in the world where tourist numbers exceed the population (along with Malta, Cyprus and Luxembourg). Tourism accounts for over 20% of Greece's GDP, one of the highest percentages of any industrialised country.
Redheads are more prone to acquire skin cancer due to their pale skin and susceptibility to UV exposure. According to the International Journal of Disease, natural redheads are around two and a half times more likely to get hazardous cancer than persons with other hair colors.
Despite what James Cameron's renowned 1997 film may have led you to think, the owners never claimed that the ship would never sink. According to historian Richard Howells, "the general public was unlikely to have thought of the Titanic as a unique, unsinkable ship prior to its maiden voyage."
By the time Conan Doyle died [7 July 1930], Holmes was already a stage and cinema celebrity. His first picture, Sherlock Holmes Baffled, was released in 1900. The short, which was only a few seconds long, employed stop-motion camerawork to portray Holmes grappling with a burglar who continuously disappears and reappears in different parts of the room.
The World's Most Famous Treasury Is Actually A Graveyard Petra's Treasury, contrary to popular belief, is not a looming maze of booby-trapped rooms designed to separate the righteous from the unworthy, but rather a relatively small area that is most likely a beautifully decorated graveyard. Any buried treasure was most likely removed a long time ago, but the Treasury facade is a work of art, lovingly carved by the Nabataeans centuries ago.
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