This cat fact will really blow your mind. A study discovered that our little house cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers! They also share a lot of the same behaviours such as scent and urine marking, prey stalking and pouncing.
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It's no secret that Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. But did you realise that Greece receives approximately 17 million tourists each year? That is nearly double Greece's overall population. It is one of the few countries in the world where tourist numbers exceed the population (along with Malta, Cyprus and Luxembourg). Tourism accounts for over 20% of Greece's GDP, one of the highest percentages of any industrialised country.
Hernias cause a variety of symptoms in people. The hernia site is typically where the pain, bruising, or discomfort occurs.
True trivia that may break a few hearts: when the Joker first appeared in 1940, he was supposed to be a one-off event that would disappear after a few incidents. Fans were so taken with his character, and they appreciated how brutal and unpredictable he was, that he was made a regular in the Batman franchise. He's lucky he wasn't cancelled! We would never have spotted these amazing Easter Eggs in the latest Joker film if it hadn't been for the internet!
The evil eye has become a popular piece of jewellery in a variety of cultures, but it has a much deeper meaning for the Greeks. Many Greeks wear this token for security as well as aesthetic reasons, as it is thought to protect you from any curses that an angry person may throw your way. It is always preferable to be safe than sorry.
The family Mymaridae is more commonly referred to as fairyflies. These insects belong to the Chalcid wasp family.
The edible leafy tips of beetroots are bursting with vitamin K, which has been associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Your daily requirement is approximately doubled by one cup of raw food.
Remember the simple checklist when considering insulin resistance. BAGODES:
High blood pressure
A simple checklist like this one will guarantee that healthcare personnel does not overlook critical interventions with particular patients.
High blood pressure
A simple checklist like this one will guarantee that healthcare personnel does not overlook critical interventions with particular patients.