The femur bone, found in the upper leg, is your body's longest bone. As a result, it can withstand hundreds of pounds of force and is extremely tough to break. Femurs have the ability to support 30 times your own weight! The majority of femur fractures are caused by severe vehicle accidents or falls from considerable heights, which can provide enough force to shatter the bone.
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The alkaline nature of earthenware or clay pots neutralizes the acidic nature of food, maintains the pH balance, and makes food simple for you to digest. The clay pot not only improves the taste of our food but also adds minerals. Calcium, phosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, and a few other essential minerals are abundant in food cooked in earthen pots.
Some people only get one wisdom tooth, while others get two, three, four, or none. It is not uncommon for a person to have more than four wisdom teeth. In this case, the extra teeth are referred to as supernumerary teeth. The number of wisdom teeth you develop is also influenced by genetics. According to studies, at least 53% of people have at least one wisdom tooth emerge. If you don't have any wisdom teeth, that doesn't mean they aren't present. Sometimes wisdom teeth never erupt and are never visible. In this case, an x-ray can determine whether you have wisdom teeth under your gums.
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According to legend, the addition of candles to cakes began in Ancient Greece, where cakes were made in the shape of a moon for the Goddess of the Moon, Artemis.The moonlight was reflected in the candles, and the smoke lifted the devotee's prayers to Artemis. It's also said that when we blow out the candles on birthday cakes, the smoke carries our wishes away to be granted. You don't want to be blowing out those birthday candles in Venezuela, where it's customary to try to push the birthday girl/face boy's into the cake after the candles have been extinguished. At the very least, they get to try the cake first!
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Although they are both composed of keratin, your nails are stronger than your hair because of how the molecules are arranged differently, giving your nails more robust qualities.
Pigeons are extremely swift birds, which is why they make excellent messengers. They are also excellent racers due to their speed. Pigeon racing is a surprisingly profitable enterprise, and racing pigeons can be extremely pricey—the most expensive pigeon ever sold was approximately $1,900,000!
Here is another one that we should all be familiar with. Although it's tempting, it's important to maintain resistance.
The more dirt, filth, and bacteria are pushed deep into the skin the more you pop and pick at skin breakouts. Unwanted breakouts are caused by bacteria under the skin.
The more dirt, filth, and bacteria are pushed deep into the skin the more you pop and pick at skin breakouts. Unwanted breakouts are caused by bacteria under the skin.