It is believed that Black Panther has a net worth in the trillions of dollars. T'Challa is therefore just slightly less well-off than the whole country of Sweden, which has a nominal GDP of $507 billion. Being king of a kingdom, and hence its money, will undoubtedly do this for you, but believe it or not, he is not the wealthiest superhero.
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Most Star Wars fans are already aware that Yoda's full name, at least in the original draught, was "Minch Yoda," before being condensed to something simpler to say. But here's an interesting statistic that may surprise you: Yoda's original name was—wait for it—Buffy in the very early phases of The Empire Strikes Back. Yes, Buffy, the name we associate with great young vampire slayers. If Yoda had been given this extremely un-Yoda-like name, the world would have been a very different place.
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The R2-D2 that we all know and love only talks in beeps and whistles, a mechanical language that most of his companions comprehend. However, in the first draught of Star Wars, written in 1974, R2-D2 talked in whole words. Even more concerning, he was not the endearing wuss he would eventually become. He was a bit of a bully, berating his friend C-3PO with taunts such as, "You're a stupid, useless philosopher," and "You're nothing more than a dimwitted, emotion-filled academic." My reasoning systems cannot explain why you were formed." Sheesh, can you please tone it down a notch?
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Your digestive tract contains many beneficial bacteria, but taking a probiotic supplement (live or dried bacteria) is unlikely to give them a boost.
The reason is that these beneficial bacteria are mostly in your large intestine or bowel. Probiotic supplements will rarely survive the acid and churning of the stomach or the detergents and enzymes of the small intestine.
The reason is that these beneficial bacteria are mostly in your large intestine or bowel. Probiotic supplements will rarely survive the acid and churning of the stomach or the detergents and enzymes of the small intestine.