Danielle Fernandes' formal name is Danielle Fernandes Fernande Dominique Schuelein-Steel, better known as Danielle Steel, is an American novelist who is the best-selling author alive today and the fourth-bestselling author of all time, with over 800 million copies sold.
Other minerals can be combined with sand, lime, and soda ash to produce different colored glass. Adding nickel oxide, for example, results in the violet glass.
In his Poor Richard's Almanac, founding father Benjamin Franklin got one over on rival Titan Leeds, also an almanac writer, by "predicting" the exact date and time of his death. When Leeds obviously didn't die on the given date, Franklin kept the prank going, claiming that he actually had passed on and that an imposter was publishing his almanac.
The femur bone, found in the upper leg, is your body's longest bone. As a result, it can withstand hundreds of pounds of force and is extremely tough to break. Femurs have the ability to support 30 times your own weight! The majority of femur fractures are caused by severe vehicle accidents or falls from considerable heights, which can provide enough force to shatter the bone.
He did at first, but it didn't last long. After 1928, Walt stopped animating in favour of concentrating on the direction and development of stories. He trusted Iwerks and other accomplished artists to handle the grunt work of drawing. In fact, it's likely that he only ever really drew Mickey when people asked for his autograph. He never included Mickey in any of his theatrical releases.
The chemicals that control a lady's month-to-month cycle likewise add to headaches. Numerous ladies start encountering headaches when they have their most memorable period or become pregnant and track down help after menopause. Also, the chemicals in oral contraceptives frequently change the seriousness and recurrence of headaches or prompt them to foster in ladies who haven't had them previously.
Alabama residents who dress in clergy attire are thought to be breaching the law and might face a $500 fine and up to a year in jail. Reminder to self: don't dress up as a priest, rabbi, or nun on October 31 in Alabama.
Niacinamide also called nicotinamide, is a form of vitamin B-3, an essential nutrient. A B-3 deficiency can lead to disorders of the skin, kidneys, and brain. Taking niacinamide can help prevent B-3 deficiency.
Speaking of wings, we may have purposefully saved the most fascinating butterfly information for last! Butterflies have four distinct wings, regardless of how they appear in motion or in drawings or paintings. The wings closest to its head are known as the forewings, while those farther back are known as the hindwings. During the flight, all four wings move up and down in a figure-eight pattern due to the strong muscles in the butterfly's thorax.
Who can forget Gwyneth Paltrow's sobbing during her 1999 acceptance speech for Best Actress for "Shakespeare in Love"? Or Julia Roberts, who burst out laughing and neglected to thank "Erin Brockovich," the subject of her movie. However, Greer Garson, an actress, received the award for Best Supporting Actress in 1934 and delivered a speech that was seven minutes long.
Mount Katahdin is the highest peak in the American state of Maine. The name translates as "The Greatest Mountain." It is well-known in the hiking and mountaineering world as the northern end of the Appalachian Trail, at 5,268 feet above sea level – a pleasant sight after the 2,180-mile trek.
Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest in the world. Three time zones are covered by the nation! Brazil is also the most populous country in the Southern Hemisphere, outnumbering Australia.
With so many high-end moisturisers available, some individuals believe that the more costly a moisturiser, the better. Actually, drugstore moisturisers work just as well – you simply have to select the perfect one.
Lipstick is more ancient than you would imagine. It actually dates back to Queen Shubad of ancient Sumeria. The queen wore lip paint consisting of crushed red pebbles and white lead. The queen's stylish crimson lip was not her only historical contribution. When Shubad's tomb was unearthed in Ur in the 1920s, experts were astounded at the wealth on show. The tomb also housed the remains of 23 female servants who were executed for the sole purpose of being buried close to the queen so that they may serve her in the afterlife.
Fewer than two in ten chief financial officers in the 350 largest British PLCs are women, only 4% of investment managers are women, and only 5% of corporations are led by a female CEO. There are more CEOs named Peter in the FTSE 100 than there are female CEOs. According to Lean In and McKinsey's 2020 Women in the Workplace report, which reviewed data from 329 firms, while entry-level roles are virtually evenly divided between genders, the ratio of women drops by roughly half at the senior VP level. Women make up nearly half of the workforce but hold just 38% of managerial roles, with the percentage decreasing with each additional level of seniority.
During World War I, there was a cotton scarcity, therefore Kimberly-Clark created a thin, flat cotton replacement that the army sought to employ as a filter in gas masks. Because the war ended before scientists were able to perfect the material for gas masks, the firm redesigned it to be smoother and softer, then sold Kleenex as facial tissue instead.
In the United Kingdom, nearly £368 million is spent on whole cakes each year, which includes birthday cakes! That's nearly £1 million worth of cake per day, which is a lot of cake (and even more candles). When you extrapolate this to the entire world, you'll discover that people eat between 50 and 100 million birthday cakes every single day, not just once a year.
Have you ever wondered how gummy candies get their shiny sheen? They're sprayed with carnauba wax, the same stuff that's used to make cars shine.
Branwell was a constant pain in their side, despite the sisters' strong feelings for him. He struggled to maintain employment because he was an unsuccessful poet, an alcoholic, and possibly an opium addict. Part of Branwell and his demons served as the inspiration for Anne's villain in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
The chambers within the temples are linked on an East-West axis. Each chamber has its own entrance, hall, sanctum, and vestibule.
He came up with the concept for the little telescope in 1816. Actually, the telescope he had used to view the sky gave him the idea.
You can swallow thousands of microscopic algae by simply swallowing one drop of ocean water. The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.
Sound waves can be recorded and transmitted to a digital signal, which has a specific pattern of the required sound waves in a digital series that can be stored on a digital tape, CD, or computer system. When you play the signal, the digital pattern is converted back into sound waves. Although analogue sound recordings produce an exact copy of the desired sound wave pattern, making many copies of the original records can introduce extra noise and distort the unique pattern. However, digital records only have a pattern of numbers that you may replicate and correct as needed without any distortion. As a result, digital sound recording is always preferable to analogue recording.
Vatican City also has the world's shortest railway. Citta Vaticano is the only stop on the station's two 300-meter lines. During Pope Pius XI's papacy, railroad tracks and train stations were erected. It is used to transport things. There are no regular passenger trains scheduled to run on it.
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