Despite enjoying widespread acceptance for many years, the "dominance" notion of dog training is gradually being exposed. "You should never try to dominate your dog," Hartstein says emphatically. The concept that you need to demonstrate your dog "who's alpha" by doing things like eating before them, making sure you're constantly in a higher position than them, or using punishing behaviour is obsolete and unhelpful. Of course, you should establish a schedule and ensure that your dog understands rules and boundaries, but ignore standard advice regarding dominance shows.
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It's true whether you believe it or not. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is a little-known fact. If you read other sources, you'll notice that they all say pretty much the same thing. This enzyme degrades proteins in your mouth, specifically your taste buds. This can ruin your palate for the rest of the day until your mouth heals. A fun fact that many people believe is that the enzyme bromelain is used in meat tenderizer. Pineapple is a fruit, so it's good for you. However, you should let a freshly sliced pineapple sit in the fridge for a few minutes before eating it so the enzymes can break down.
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The Vent Haven Museum has a collection of vintage ventriloquist dummies.
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