The noise produced by a jet aircraft during takeoff is millions of times louder than the sound you normally hear. Such thunderous sounds are known as deafening sounds, and they can inflict discomfort and substantial damage to your ears.
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Cambodians are well-known for preparing creepy crawlies such as crickets, ants, and even tarantulas. The majority of individuals consume fish, veggies, and rice on a regular basis.
A blueberry's silver-gray bloom is a protective layer that serves as a covering. The bloom is what keeps the berries fresh, so wait to wash them until you're ready to eat them.
Who knew there was a happy mascot out there named Herbie Hot Pockets? We'll let you decide if the sandwich with sunglasses is adorable or disturbing.
The orientation leaflets are arranged in one or two pinnae pairs in a bipinnate compound. Each pinna also contains 10 to 26 leaflets. These plants grow on soil with little nutrient concentration and are not shade-tolerant. Similar to other Fabaceae plant species, the orientation of the leaves undergoes nyctinasty motions, sometimes known as "sleep," throughout the night and reopens in the light.
According to legend, the addition of candles to cakes began in Ancient Greece, where cakes were made in the shape of a moon for the Goddess of the Moon, Artemis.The moonlight was reflected in the candles, and the smoke lifted the devotee's prayers to Artemis. It's also said that when we blow out the candles on birthday cakes, the smoke carries our wishes away to be granted. You don't want to be blowing out those birthday candles in Venezuela, where it's customary to try to push the birthday girl/face boy's into the cake after the candles have been extinguished. At the very least, they get to try the cake first!
This custom of worshipping the Lord Sun (as in Chhath Puja), the sustainer of life on Earth, was also common in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations, indicating that it is not unique to India. It is also observed in nations such as Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad and Tobago, and others as part of their respective cultures and customs.
Some pirates delayed burying their treasure because they wanted a piece of the loot first. And a pirate's treasure wasn't always gold or silver; it could also be food, lumber, cloth, or animal hides.
The world-famous energy drink Red Bull was made in Bangkok by Chaleo Yoovidhya in 1976. He had moved from central Thailand to Bangkok with very little formal education but managed to build a multimillion empire with the help of his Australian business partner Dietrich Mateschitz. At the time of his death in 2012, Yoovidhya was the third richest man in Thailand with an estimated wealth of USD 5 billion.
However, the syrupy drink he made is quite different from the carbonated version enjoyed across the globe. At some shops in Bangkok, you can find both versions, and decide which one you prefer for yourself.
However, the syrupy drink he made is quite different from the carbonated version enjoyed across the globe. At some shops in Bangkok, you can find both versions, and decide which one you prefer for yourself.