This doesn't make much sense, but it happened in a society riddled with superstitions. 'Evidence' such as appearances in a dream was sufficient to file a case against someone.
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River runoff from many regions of the world, including the Ganges and Brahmaputra, two of the world's biggest rivers, flows into this ocean. Because of its proximity to the equator, the evaporation rate is still rather significant.
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Over the years, the Times Square ball has gone through several transformations. However, none of them appeared in either 1942 or 1943. World War II was in full swing, and the army was concerned that the Big Apple's extravagant light shows would make it easy for German submarines to spot American ships in New York Harbor. So Lady Liberty's torch was turned off, the Brooklyn Dodgers stopped playing night games, and the Times Square ball drop was put on hold for two years.
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Italian scientists and researchers have recently been able to conduct CT scans of the bodies interred at Pompeii thanks to recent technological advancements. One of the most intriguing things they have revealed is that Pompeii's inhabitants had white, straight teeth. This is related to their excellent diet, but it is also possibly related to the area's high fluorine content as a result of the volcano.
Almonds have one of the highest protein contents of any nut, at 21.1g per 100g! For those looking to bulk up, almonds are a terrific addition to smoothies! They also make excellent complements to vegetarian and vegan diets!
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One of the sweetest facts about the Netherlands is that the Dutch adore licorice. They eat around two kilos per person per year. That’s around 32 million kilos of the sweet treat consumed each year!
You’ll be spoilt for choice, with shops in the Netherlands selling over 80 different kinds of drop (the Dutch word for licorice).
You’ll be spoilt for choice, with shops in the Netherlands selling over 80 different kinds of drop (the Dutch word for licorice).