French (20.4%), German (64%), Italian (6.5%), and Romansh (just over 1%) are their four national languages. As a foreign tourist or resident, you may feel at ease since it's totally normal to not comprehend what someone says to you because the Swiss don't understand the Swiss anyhow.
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In 2011, a hiring manager for a Chinese language training company included in a job listing that candidates who were Virgos or Scorpios need not apply. Obviously, there was a backlash to the discriminatory policy, but the hiring manager doubled down to a local newspaper, claiming that she was counting those signs out because they have a tendency to be "feisty and critical."
Many fans recognise the portmanteau that makes the name "Gundam" as "gun" and "freedom," but this is just half the tale. While it was the original notion, and how the authors arrived to "Gundam," they finally chose "Gundam." Yoshiyuki Tomino, one of the series' animators who helped conceive the concept, imagined the Gundam as a robot brandishing a pistol so strong that it would hold back foes like a dam holds back water.
Starbucks actually has a few secret shops, according to The Seattle Times. One is known as Roy Street Coffee & Tea in Seattle and they sell things that aren't on typical Starbucks menus. This includes things like wine, beer, and gourmet cheeses that can't be mass-produced. They sometimes use the secret shops to test out new products as well.
Almonds are members of the prunus family, which includes peaches, cherries, and apricots. The nuts that we are so acquainted with are actually the fruit's seed. The fleshy section of the almond fruit, unlike its fruity sisters, cannot be eaten.
If you’ve watched your little kitty charging around the living room when they’re feeling lively you know that cats are pretty quick, but you won’t believe this cat fact. They can hit speeds of around 30mph which is so fast that they could beat Usain Bolt in a 200-meter dash!
Although some people are sceptical of hypnosis, it has been used as a medical treatment since the 1950s. Every year, an increasing number of people seek appointments with hypnotherapists in order to find a healthy way to control their fears and negative behaviours. It has long been proven to be a successful form of therapy for mental health and is a non-medication alternative medical treatment. To accomplish this, hypnotherapists assist patients in accessing their subconscious mind, which many of us do unconsciously every day.
People with type 1 diabetes have immune systems that attack the insulin-producing cells in their pancreas for reasons that remain a scientific mystery. As a result, the cells are unable to produce insulin, which is necessary for other cells to access the bloodstream's glucose for energy. The bloodstream then becomes unhealthyly high in sugar. Conversely, those who have type 2 diabetes can still produce some insulin, but not enough. As a result of their cells developing insulin resistance (often as a result of obesity), glucose builds up in the bloodstream.
Yes, that's right! Some desert lizards are supposed to be capable of living their entire lives without drinking water. This is a hotly discussed topic among reptile enthusiasts, as there is evidence both for and against it. Most lizard species, especially those from swampy or marshy locations, will require fresh drinking water. If you want to keep a lizard as a pet, you should do a lot of research before buying one to make sure you set up your vivarium properly!
This astounding figure is actually pretty simple: increased access to contraception saves lives.This astounding figure is actually pretty simple: increased access to contraception saves lives.
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The city of Mysore hosts India's most renowned Dussehra celebrations. On this day, Goddess Chamundeshwari is worshipped, and a large procession of her idol is carried through the city. Lights and colour are used to decorate all significant structures.
Data analysis by Vocativ (via Yahoo! News) found that more world leaders are Scorpios than any other sign, with 22 powerful representatives. Scorpios are known for their independence and ambition, which may assist them in climbing the ladder.
The Republic of China (RoC) is not to be confused with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Both parties fought during the Chinese Civil War which ended in 1949 and ignore each other’s sovereignty. Today the PRC controls mainland China and the RoC control Taiwan.
The Jewish tradition of covering up mirrors during shiva (the seven-day period of mourning by the deceased's immediate family) is still practiced today. According to several Jewish sources, when the soul departs from this world, a void is created. This void may end up attracting evil spirits to fill it. These demonic ghosts have a penchant for attaching themselves to mirror reflections. To prevent this from happening, Jews cover their mirrors until the end of shiva.
In the last 300 million years or so, several types of plants have evolved a tree form, or "arborescence." It's a tricky stage in plant evolution, requiring innovations like sturdy trunks to keep plants upright and strong vascular systems to pump water and nutrients up from the soil. The extra sunlight, on the other hand, is worth it, causing trees to evolve multiple times throughout history, a phenomenon known as convergent evolution.
Several reports of ghostly appearances and eerie sounds have been made at the United States' most famous address – and that doesn't even include election years! Abraham Lincoln is the most frequently seen ghost, having been seen by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, and Sir Winston Churchill. Andrew Jackson, David Burns, and Abigail Adams are among the other paranormal guests.
Fecal microbiota transplantation is a method of restoring beneficial bacteria in the colon. The only approved use for fecal transplantation is for someone infected with Clostridiodes difficile (or C. diff) that’s unresponsive to antibiotics. The procedure involves a colonoscopy and transplants feces from a healthy person into a sick person.
In the U.S., doctors completed the first fecal transplants for C. diff infections in 1958. But the practice dates back to 4th century China, where they used a fecal suspension called “yellow soup” to treat digestive problems.
In the U.S., doctors completed the first fecal transplants for C. diff infections in 1958. But the practice dates back to 4th century China, where they used a fecal suspension called “yellow soup” to treat digestive problems.