In 1959, the red, white, and green dragon flag was formally recognized. The red dragon is based on an Arthurian legend about the magician Merlin's sighting of a red dragon. It was said to depict a fight between native Britons in red and Saxon invaders in white. The colors green and white depict the Tudor House.
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Ashwagandha is an evergreen bush that bears red berries. These berries resemble tomatillos or husk cherries because they are members of the Solanaceae family, sometimes known as nightshades. If you are sensitive to eggplant, tomatoes, or peppers, you may be allergic to ashwagandha as well.
The Artist' may lead the film pack this year, with 12 Academy Award nods, but the most nominated movies of all time garnered a whopping 14 nominations. First up was the black and white film All About Eve in 1950. 50 years later, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's doomed love story 'Titanic' sank all competition.
The Exorcist, based on William Peter Blatty's novel of the same name, was produced in 1973 and sparked quite an amount of controversy in the years preceding its release. For instance, when a bird flew into a circuit box, the set used as Regan MacNeil's home burnt to the ground. The only room that remained standing was the one where the exorcism took place. Even creepier, not only did actors get various injuries while making the film, but two of them died shortly after production ended—actors who played characters who perished onscreen. To make matters worse, when the film aired in Rome, lightning damaged a 400-year-old crucifix atop a local church, according to CBS News.
Amsterdam’s beautiful bridges are an icon of the city. There are 1,281 bridges in Amsterdam which connect the city’s 165 canals.
There are several historic bridges, while others are decorated with bright flowers or lit up at night. You can even see 15 bridges at once, by crossing the Reguliersgracht and Herengracht bridges.
There are several historic bridges, while others are decorated with bright flowers or lit up at night. You can even see 15 bridges at once, by crossing the Reguliersgracht and Herengracht bridges.
The Secret History of the Mongols claims that because Mongolian dogs were vicious and notorious for attacking common people, Khan was terrified of them.
Our Constitution is the longest in the world and contains 1.46 lakh words. It took two years, 11 months, and 18 days to draft it.
An English writer named Frank Beringer established the popular meal of millennials in 1895, when he wrote an essay titled "Brunch: a Plea" in Hunter's Weekly newspaper. In his piece, he presented a "brunch" alternative to the usual Sunday supper. He said that getting up early was no fun for individuals who had had wild Saturday nights, and that brunch was the ideal location for people to meet about noon, tell stories about their crazy nights, and enjoy one other's company.
Barbie is named after the Handlers' daughter, Barbara. Ken is named after their son, Kenneth. In Barbie's world, her parents are George and Margaret Roberts from Willows, Wisconsin. Other family members include her siblings: Skipper, Tutti, Todd, Stacie, Kelly, Chelsea, and Krissy. Tutti and Todd are twins … but so are Todd and Stacie, apparently (at least according to Todd's box). She also has cousins named Francie and Jazzie.
Due to the dramatic increase of educational institutions in Pune, it has become a national hub for education. It is no surprise that the city is known as the Oxford of the East because thousands of international students graduate from its esteemed universities.
The coconut got its name from sailors on Portuguese ships. They nicknamed it "Coco" since it resembled an unattractive face with scratchy hair. When the "coco" arrived in England, the suffix of nut was added, and thus the term was born.
Chai, a spiced tea drink, is thought to be a healing beverage that dates back over 5,000 years to an ancient royal court. It wasn't until the 1930s that black tea was added. Coffee was most likely introduced to Indian culture by the British.
The Taj Mahal is almost perfectly symmetrical, in keeping with Persian and Islamic architectural principles. The minarets (towers), walls, rooms, and even gardens are all symmetrical. The Taj Mahal, one of the world's most perfectly symmetrical structures, is known for its white beauty and sheen. The placement of Shah Jahan's cenotaph — and his grave — are possibly the only elements of the Taj that do not adhere to perfect geometric proportions and symmetrical precision.
Bond, despite having witnessed some of the most deadly and bizarre events known to man, has a sense of humour. During the Never Send Flowers plotline, he went to the EuroDisney Resort (now known as Disneyland Paris) with his sweetheart. Bond was scheduled to remain for a few days, but he fell in love with the location and stayed for a week. The plot culminates with a climactic fight in the theme park. This demonstrates that even this cool and skilled MI6 spy/assassin has a childish side.
Arts and crafts in school is fun, but can you imagine making sculptures out of a bunch of tiny toothpicks?! The Largest display of toothpick sculptures consists of 101 sculptures and was created by Stan Munro from the US on 15 May 2014. Stan spent over 10 years creating the sculptures and figures and he has used more than 3 million toothpicks and 75 gallons of glue. His display includes buildings from 37 countries, such as the Temple of Heaven (China), Arc de Triomphe (France), MI-6 Headquarters (England), Burj Khalifa (UAE), Djenne Mosque (Mali), La Sagrada Familia (Spain), The Parthenon (Greece), Taj Mahal (India) and the White House (USA).
Elephants are extremely clever and simple to teach, making them ideal for use as executioners and torturers. They may be taught to use enormous blades connected to their tusks to slowly destroy bones, crush skulls, twist off limbs, or even execute people. This manner of death was still used in various regions of Asia until the late nineteenth century.
According to a 2020 survey of over a thousand women conducted by Mumsnet and Gransnet, 36% of those who sought help from their GP for perimenopause symptoms and 26% of those who sought help for menopause symptoms visited their GP three times or more before being prescribed appropriate medication or help.
It's true whether you believe it or not. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is a little-known fact. If you read other sources, you'll notice that they all say pretty much the same thing. This enzyme degrades proteins in your mouth, specifically your taste buds. This can ruin your palate for the rest of the day until your mouth heals. A fun fact that many people believe is that the enzyme bromelain is used in meat tenderizer. Pineapple is a fruit, so it's good for you. However, you should let a freshly sliced pineapple sit in the fridge for a few minutes before eating it so the enzymes can break down.
Anyone who visits Myanmar will notice people in the streets with what seems like mud smeared over their faces. This is a little disconcerting at first but it’s nothing to worry about.
Actually, it’s a special mixture of powdered bark that comes from a particular tree. When it’s produced, locals wipe it on their faces to act as protection against the sun. Some also say that it’s good for the skin and has anti-aging properties. When you’re in the country, try it for yourself and you can make up your own mind.
Actually, it’s a special mixture of powdered bark that comes from a particular tree. When it’s produced, locals wipe it on their faces to act as protection against the sun. Some also say that it’s good for the skin and has anti-aging properties. When you’re in the country, try it for yourself and you can make up your own mind.
In 2011, a hiring manager for a Chinese language training company included in a job listing that candidates who were Virgos or Scorpios need not apply. Obviously, there was a backlash to the discriminatory policy, but the hiring manager doubled down to a local newspaper, claiming that she was counting those signs out because they have a tendency to be "feisty and critical."
Cataracts that are left untreated will eventually get worse. Your vision will decline, making it risky to drive and do daily activities. The harsh reality of untreated cataracts is that they can eventually result in partial or even total blindness.
As reported by Oprah Magazine, scientists have studied the way that the amount of Vitamin D via sunlight a person gets when their pregnant ends up manifesting in their child's personality and mental health. And that's largely dependent on when the child is born.
"People born in the fall are more likely to develop the panic disorder and/or drug abuse problems; in late winter and early spring to become schizophrenic; and in spring and early summer to have propensities for anorexia, suicide, and dyslexia," the publication says.
"People born in the fall are more likely to develop the panic disorder and/or drug abuse problems; in late winter and early spring to become schizophrenic; and in spring and early summer to have propensities for anorexia, suicide, and dyslexia," the publication says.