Arthropods, like centipedes, typically have a waxy coating to retain moisture. Well, most arthropods aren't centipedes! Centipedes lack a waxy coating, despite the fact that they appear shiny, making them vulnerable to moisture loss. They inhabit very damp, dark areas as a result. However, their lack of a waxy layer is not entirely a drawback. They can move more quickly because the layer isn't there.
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So why doesn’t it burn your stomach? Because a thick layer of mucus protects the stomach lining and keeps the acid on the inside, where it’s churned with your food.
When gastric acid sometimes leaks up into the esophagus, which lacks this mucus layer, you know that burning feeling as heartburn. Proton pump inhibitors are drugs you can take to temporarily reduce acid production and allow the esophagus to heal.
When gastric acid sometimes leaks up into the esophagus, which lacks this mucus layer, you know that burning feeling as heartburn. Proton pump inhibitors are drugs you can take to temporarily reduce acid production and allow the esophagus to heal.