Between 1502 and 1503, Sultan Beyazid II commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to create a bridge across the Golden Horn. Da Vinci's design, which followed the three geometric principles of the pressed-bow, parabolic curve, and keystone arch, would have been the world's longest bridge at the time, but the sultan did not sanction it.
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It's easy to dismiss Einstein's ideas of relativity as entirely theoretical, yet they have real-world implications. The theory of general relativity, for example, asserts that gravity influences time: time flows quicker for things in space than for those on Earth. And this has far-reaching ramifications for many space-based systems, including GPS accuracy. His theories are also fundamental to nuclear technology and explain how electromagnets function.
Thanks to its microscopic budget and major success at the box office, the 2007 film Paranormal Activity, scored a return on investment of 19,758 percent, absolutely blowing away the next most profitable film (2015 horror film Gallows, with an ROI of 6,843 percent). It cost just $60,000 to make and another $400,000 or so to market, yet ultimately brought in more than $89 million.
According to legend, it was discovered by a shepherd who had forgotten some milk in a skin container for a while and when he rediscovered it, it had already turned into what we now call yogurt.
Purely carnivorous, stingrays feed on creatures that reside on or beneath the beach. According to a study that looked at the reconstruction of southern stingrays' diets around the Caribbean, stingrays mostly ate worms, fish with ray fins, and crustaceans. According to additional studies, the species ingested up to 30 different types of prey per day
The rooftop of Central's HSBC Hong Kong building has two deflector rods. This is because the building faces the Bank of China building, which has sharp edges that are thought to cut and dilute good energy.
Fog is composed of tiny water droplets suspended in a cloud on the ground that contains up to 0.5 ml of water per cubic metre. To illustrate, if you filled an Olympic-sized swimming pool with fog and then condensed it, you would be left with approximately 1.25 litres of water (or just over 2 pints).
The small particles in our surroundings are continually being inhaled by us. Each person's asthma and airways respond to triggers differently. Our airways narrow or spasm as a response to these triggers. Once they reach a certain point where the air can no longer flow easily, symptoms of turbulent wheezing and asthma start to appear.
According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, Herodotus wrote in 440BC that when a pet cat died in Ancient Egyptian times the family members would shave off their eyebrows in mourning. Now that’s an interesting cat fact!
If cats are repeatedly exposed to catnip, they might develop desensitized to its effects. When your cat has finished playing with the catnip toys, put them away, and aim to provide catnip once a week or so.
Everyone enjoys taking a vacation from work when they can, but in Sweden, the concept is ingrained in society. Fika is a recognized break twice a day where workers share coffee, cake, and conversation. But, don't all workers take breaks? Fika is a social and almost compulsory thing in the Western world, despite the fact that many work breaks are simply theoretical in the Western world. So much so that in most workplaces, anyone who does not participate is deemed disrespectful. Perhaps this is why Swedish employees rank fourth in the world in terms of happiness!
Termites have natural predators just like many other animals. Ants are termites' main predators, destroying entire colonies when they catch them off guard during an invasion. Ant and termite colonies are frequently constructed next to one another, which can lead to conflict as both insect species compete for food. Actual "wars" can start if an ant or termite ventures into the other's territory as soldier insects plan attacks on the adversary's colony.
Harold Gillies established the field of plastic surgery, pioneering the first attempts at facial reconstruction, inspired by the sight of soldiers' faces ravaged by shrapnel, many of which remained covered by masks. In addition, blood transfusions became commonplace in order to save soldiers, with the first blood bank established on the front lines in 1917.
A lot more, in fact. The canine actor earned $125 per week for his efforts, while the actors playing the Munchkins brought in just $50 a week.
When the king queried his companions about the wonder of the idol and how it stayed in the air without a prop or support, some said that it was kept up by some secret support. The monarch asked someone to walk around with a spear and feel all around, above and below it, which he did but encountered no obstacles.
The Chinese government started mass-producing it in the 14th century. Manufacturers weren't able to guarantee Splinter-Free Toilet Paper until 1935.
It is the biggest inland body of water in the world. The Black Sea has a total area of 163,000 square miles, which is larger than the whole state of California. The Black Sea, however, differs from most other inland bodies of water in that it is also classified as a marginal sea.
In 1901, Annie Edson Taylor, a 63-year-old teacher, was the first to take this spectacular voyage down the surging waters of Niagara Falls in a self-designed barrel constructed of iron and oak and padded with a mattress. While she survived, such a trip is not recommended for obvious safety reasons, and individuals who try a reckless act over Niagara Falls face a hefty fine as well as the expense of rescue. Over a dozen additional individuals have gone over the falls since Taylor.
The Gainesville Ripper, an American serial killer, murdered students in disturbing ways. Kevin Williamson, a screenwriter, was "scared out of his mind" while watching a news report about the murders. He was inspired by his fear to write the opening scene of Scream.
People with type 1 diabetes have immune systems that attack the insulin-producing cells in their pancreas for reasons that remain a scientific mystery. As a result, the cells are unable to produce insulin, which is necessary for other cells to access the bloodstream's glucose for energy. The bloodstream then becomes unhealthyly high in sugar. Conversely, those who have type 2 diabetes can still produce some insulin, but not enough. As a result of their cells developing insulin resistance (often as a result of obesity), glucose builds up in the bloodstream.
Few visitors to Budapest are aware of the little church on the rock beneath Gellert Hill in Budapest Old Town. Despite being surrounded by so many grandiose churches, Sziklatemplom ('Rock Church') is relatively unknown. If you happen to be near the Liberty Bridge (the green metal one), you can visit this strange chapel founded in 1926 by a group of Pauline monks. The Cave Church (which is still in use) is not spectacular, but it is charming in its own right. Off the beaten path, but worth a 30-minute detour.
Remember the simple checklist when considering insulin resistance. BAGODES:
High blood pressure
A simple checklist like this one will guarantee that healthcare personnel does not overlook critical interventions with particular patients.
High blood pressure
A simple checklist like this one will guarantee that healthcare personnel does not overlook critical interventions with particular patients.