Joan Benoit Samuelson of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, became the first woman to win a marathon in the Olympic Games. At the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, she earned a gold medal. In 2000, she was inducted into the Maine Women's Hall of Fame. She returned to the circuit in April 2019 at the age of 61, finishing the Boston Marathon at 3:04.
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In 1968, motion pictures were rated for the first time using a family-oriented rating system. The new guidelines were introduced by Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) chairman Jack Valenti in place of the infamous Hays Code.
The Tünel underground funicular opened on January 17, 1875, becoming the world's second underground railway after the London Underground. Tünel, which runs between Beyolu and Karaköy, is one of the continent's oldest remaining rail lines.
Speaking of the pyramids, I always thought that they were built by slaves. It wasn’t until visiting Cairo that I learned that the pyramids were in fact built by proper laborers. Archaeological discoveries proved that there were purpose-built villages to house the workers and they were fed and treated well. The things you learn when you travel fill our little heads with tons of fun facts!
After being in business for just 6 short years, Swiggy has already acquired four other companies. These are businesses that provided services and technologies that helped Swiggy to more quickly expand the number of services it provides, as well as expand into new regions of the country. The first company purchased 48 East bought on December 13, 2017, for an undisclosed amount. The second acquisition was for a company called Scootysy which was purchased by Swiggy for $8 million on August 2, 2018. This was followed by the acquisition of Supr Daily on September 1, 2018, and the most recent acquisition was for Kint.io on February 4, 2019, for an undisclosed amount.
When skin loses moisture, it loses suppleness, which can lead to wrinkles. Moisturizers aid by retaining liquid or water from the skin's deepest layers.
Anethole, found in fennel seeds, promotes galactagogues (substances that induce breastfeeding) to secrete more milk. According to several research, anethole mimics the effect of the oestrogen hormone and stimulates breastfeeding.
Here's some interesting DC trivia for you superhero fans! Because of a legal dispute, DC's Captain Marvel is also known as "Shazam." When Marvel learned that DC was planning to resurrect an old hero named "Captain Marvel," they swooped in with a copyright for their own "Captain Marvel" before DC could complete all of the paperwork. That's when Detective Comics decided to rename its hero "Shazam."
Viking refers to a procedure in which exhausted rowers aboard a ship turned up their seats to the fresh rowers in Old Norse. The title usually refers to a man who works aboard a ship. Another suggestion is that the title is derived from the Norse phrase for a sea-mile. Even though it makes the connection between man and the water, this idea is less widely recognized among academics. The phrase, which has Old English roots, refers to a poem from the 9th century about pirates and raids from Scandinavia.
While humidity levels in the Western United States' Mojave Desert can reach up to 50%, you'll only get a fraction of that moisture aboard a plane. According to the World Health Organization, the average aircraft has a humidity level of less than 20%.
Kumbh ke mele mai bhai bichaad gye. People take part in getting rid of the sins of life. The Maha Kumbh Mela is celebrated in Prayag after 144 years.
Charles Dickens was a bit of an outcast. Growing up in London during the nineteenth century exposed him to such grim realities as working-class life expectancy being twenty-two years old, half a million Londoners suffering and dying from typhus due to a lack of sanitation, 220 crimes being punishable by death, and nearly half of all funerals in London being held for children under the age of ten, the majority of whom had full-time jobs as labourers in 1839, when Dickens was 27.
If you went to your neighborhood Sam Goody or Tower Records on September 24, 1991, chances are you spent your entire allowance on CDs. Aside from Nevermind, the new release shelf that day would have included Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden, Blood Sugar Sex Magik by Red Hot Chili Peppers, and The Low-End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest.
The raw material is pulverized into a slurry after being combined with a specified amount of water. The proteins and components are extracted at a specific temperature over a set amount of time. The starch is then transformed to sugar by an enzymatic process. The plant milk is then separated from the harvested plant fibres using industrial centrifuges in the following stage. The plant milk is then homogenised with edible oil and blended with other components, heated, and lastly bottled, depending on the recipe.
Only a few witches were ever burned at the stake in real life. Even during the well-known Salem Witch Trials, 165 people were charged, with 31 imprisoned and 19 sentenced to death. Eighteen of the 19 people who were hanged were women. The only survivor was a man who refused to admit he was a witch and was stoned to death. As a result, because it was illegal, immolation was never used as the primary method of execution. In fact, none of the accused were burned in America.
You can leave him a voicemail message in the hopes that he will be interested in the idea and will contact you. Some argue that Bill Murray missed out on wonderful jobs because he didn't have an agent, but it's trivia like this that sets Murray apart from other actors in his league. This number is not available on the internet. We attempted.
House centipedes are the most prevalent species of centipede found in residences and establishments, thus their name. This is because house centipedes have a completely special ability to live their entire life cycle indoors, from egg to old age.
Pliny the Elder was the first to mention yogurt in writing, saying that some individuals knew how to thicken the milk into something sour but palatable.
The Princess and the Frog gradually introduced the first black Disney princess, but the film had some unintended consequences. For example, it sent 50 children, mostly girls under the age of ten, to the hospital with salmonella after they attempted to kiss toads like the film's heroine. "Reptiles aren't ideal kissing partners," AOLHealth's Liz Neporent wrote at the time.
Amsterdam’s beautiful bridges are an icon of the city. There are 1,281 bridges in Amsterdam which connect the city’s 165 canals.
There are several historic bridges, while others are decorated with bright flowers or lit up at night. You can even see 15 bridges at once, by crossing the Reguliersgracht and Herengracht bridges.
There are several historic bridges, while others are decorated with bright flowers or lit up at night. You can even see 15 bridges at once, by crossing the Reguliersgracht and Herengracht bridges.