Stephen Strange has always been more about intelligence than brute strength. Strange wins by out-thinking his opponents rather than out-zapping them, which is part of what made the Lee/Ditko run remarkable. He can pack a punch when necessary, both physically and magically. Mordo creates a whole cult to seek down his archfoe in Strange Tales #130 and 131. They get a nasty surprise when they approach him from behind before he can cast a spell: Stephen's magical training includes martial arts. They are really potent. Defenders #9 demonstrated that Strange is more than just skilled. He can compete with Mantis, who is among the finest Marvel martial artists.
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The small particles in our surroundings are continually being inhaled by us. Each person's asthma and airways respond to triggers differently. Our airways narrow or spasm as a response to these triggers. Once they reach a certain point where the air can no longer flow easily, symptoms of turbulent wheezing and asthma start to appear.
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That is correct. They can transition from one gender to another at any time. The switch is determined by which is most suitable for mating at the time. Oysters normally begin as males and mature into females. Another fascinating oyster truth is that the substrate to which it attaches itself shapes this sea species! It adheres to the surface occupied by a cluster of oysters (known as the bed) and continues to build around it.
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Barbie is named after the Handlers' daughter, Barbara. Ken is named after their son, Kenneth. In Barbie's world, her parents are George and Margaret Roberts from Willows, Wisconsin. Other family members include her siblings: Skipper, Tutti, Todd, Stacie, Kelly, Chelsea, and Krissy. Tutti and Todd are twins … but so are Todd and Stacie, apparently (at least according to Todd's box). She also has cousins named Francie and Jazzie.
We used to think that stress caused sores in your stomach that doesn’t heal. We now know that prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®), or naproxen (Aleve®), can interfere with stomach mucus.
Ulcers result when stomach acid reaches the lining, and when they bleed they can cause pain and even be life-threatening.
A bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, also can cause ulcers. An Australian doctor proved this by drinking the bacteria himself, and he and his colleague won a Nobel prize for the discovery.
Ulcers result when stomach acid reaches the lining, and when they bleed they can cause pain and even be life-threatening.
A bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, also can cause ulcers. An Australian doctor proved this by drinking the bacteria himself, and he and his colleague won a Nobel prize for the discovery.