There is a somewhat widespread belief that the Main Belt asteroids represent pieces of a vanished planet. However, this is untrue. The mass of all asteroids, which is barely 4% of the mass of the Moon, is incredibly minuscule on a cosmic scale. It is now thought that this is a type of construction waste from the solar system's creation. Asteroid formation has been prevented by Jupiter's gravitational pull because of this.
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There are between 32 and 45 different species of rattlesnakes known to science, and Arizona is home to many of them.
This includes the sidewinder rattlesnake, which is renowned for its horns and side-winding movements, as well as the western diamond-backed rattlesnake, which is the largest rattlesnake in the West. Four species are under special protection in Arizona, according to the Arizona Game and Fish Department: the massasauga rattlesnake, the twin-spotted rattlesnake, the ridge-nosed rattlesnake, and the rock rattlesnake.
This includes the sidewinder rattlesnake, which is renowned for its horns and side-winding movements, as well as the western diamond-backed rattlesnake, which is the largest rattlesnake in the West. Four species are under special protection in Arizona, according to the Arizona Game and Fish Department: the massasauga rattlesnake, the twin-spotted rattlesnake, the ridge-nosed rattlesnake, and the rock rattlesnake.