The silent movie "The Artist" is heavily favored to win the Best Picture Oscar at this year's Academy Awards, but the only other silent movie to ever win the award was "Wings" in 1929. Charles "Buddy" Rogers, Richard Arlen, Clara Bow, and a young Gary Cooper starred in the film about two aspiring World War I fighter pilots.
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Research conducted by Cornell University food experts discovered that loud, noisy settings, such as flying, impair your perception of taste. The study discovered that persons who flew had decreased sweet receptors and increased umami receptors. The German airline Lufthansa revealed that passengers requested nearly as much tomato juice as beer on flights. The discovery raises fresh issues about how taste is impacted by factors other than our own internal circuitry, such as our interactions with our surroundings.
The Tonle Sap supports about half of Cambodia's agriculture and is a key fishing source. The incredible thing about this lake is that it regenerates in major areas throughout the rainy season when monsoon rains fall and flood the centre area between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.
Stuart Sutcliffe, a Scottish painter and bassist, was a founding member of the Beatles when they were only a club act in Hamburg, Germany. He met his fiancée, Astrid Kirchherr, there and decided to stay to be with her. Only a year later, he died of a cerebral haemorrhage at the age of 21. Meanwhile, his former comrades went on to become some of the most famous artists in history. Many others, including producer George Martin, public relations manager Derek Taylor, and road manager Neil Aspinall, have been dubbed the "Fifth Beatle" throughout the years.
A lizard may opt to separate their tail from their body as a last-ditch attempt to escape a predator. This is known as autonomy, and it is a left-over response from their wild counterparts, who may use it to escape. This reflex is still present today and is frequently noted by pet lizard owners in times of extreme stress. It can be found in a variety of species, including Bearded Dragons and a variety of Gecko species. If this happens to your pet, it could be a sign that an event or series of events has pushed their stress levels over the edge. Don't worry, your pet's tail will grow back in time!
Iguanas have a lifetime of 12-15 years on average. A healthy iguana, on the other hand, may easily live for more than 20 years if properly cared for. Iguanas are generally long-lived reptiles that may bring years of entertainment to their owners.
Traditional cleaning goods like paper towels and throwaway clothing always wind up in landfills, and many of them aren't even biodegradable! As a result, it takes decades for them to decompose into soil. Microfiber cloths, on the other hand, are renewable. You use a cloth to clean your house, and then you just wash it. It will be as good as new after washing! Because microfiber cloth is extremely resilient, you may repeat this cycle for years without affecting its cleaning capabilities. My favourite microfiber cloth is almost ten years old and still looks brand new. It may have faded a little, but it still works perfectly.
Consider industrialist Matthew Boulton if you thought Bill Gates was wealthy. At his peak, the Birmingham-based inventor acquired a personal fortune equal to that of Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates! Boulton lived in the beautiful Soho House in the late 18th century.
Don't use the mild weather in the middle of January to justify leaving the house without a jacket. The weather records from January 10, 1911, in Rapid City, South Dakota, show how quickly temperatures can drop. The temperature began at a pleasant 55°F, then dropped to 8°F in 15 minutes due to a powerful cold front. That day still holds the record for the world's fastest cold snap.
Have you read the EULA (End User License Agreement) of Apple devices and services anytime? There is an interesting fact about that as well. This is a document with about 18,000 words. So, most of you might have not read it. However, in that document, it is said that you can’t use Apple devices and services to create nuclear bombs, missiles, chemical, or biological weapons. Interesting, isn’t it?
History was made on 1 April 2001 when the Netherlands became the world’s first country to legalize same-sex marriage. Job Cohen, the mayor of Amsterdam at the time, married four couples at midnight on 1 April to mark the occasion. Many same-sex couples have since happily tied the knot.
Amsterdam is also known for being one of the world’s most LGBTQ-friendly cities, with plenty of gay bars. You can also see the Homomonument in the city centre, a tribute to gay men and women.
Amsterdam is also known for being one of the world’s most LGBTQ-friendly cities, with plenty of gay bars. You can also see the Homomonument in the city centre, a tribute to gay men and women.