I saw a number of Irish bars when walking around Old Quebec. I even snapped the photo below in front of one of them. So I conducted some research and discovered, thanks to Travel & Leisure, that I was on to something. In fact, there is a sizable Irish community in Quebec. During the 17th century, French Irish were transported to Quebec to help populate the province. Historians believe that around 40% of Quebec's population is of Irish heritage.
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Although the origin of the name "Jolly Roger" is unknown, one theory attributes it to the use of red flags. A red flag was commonly used during naval warfare centuries ago to signal that no mercy would be shown and that anyone captured would be killed immediately. According to theorists, the French called it a Joli Rogue ("pretty red"), which was then translated into English as Jolly Roger. Another theory holds that the name Jolly Roger was derived from "Old Roger," a term for the Devil. Oh, these pirates are so enigmatic!
Walt Disney may have been the first to put gloves on his characters, as shown in Mickey Mouse's 1929 film The Opry House. Aside from being simpler to animate, Disney chose gloves for another reason: “We didn't want Mickey to have mouse hands because he was meant to be more human,” Disney told his biographer in 1957.
One of nature's rock stars is broccoli. It's a major source of plant compounds that have been demonstrated to help reduce the risk of several cancers naturally (though many other things also affect your cancer risk). Additionally, the florets provide a good amount of vitamin C and K in each cup.
Starbucks is often known for the music they always have playing in the background of each store. As it turns out, Starbucks is more serious about music than you may have thought. The company actually has its own record label called Hear Music. It was created with Concord Music Group in 2007, and actually includes some pretty huge performers, like Paul McCartney, James Taylor, and Joni Mitchell.
If you download the app, you can find information on what's playing in the store, and sometimes get points for free song downloads.
If you download the app, you can find information on what's playing in the store, and sometimes get points for free song downloads.