Popsicles could end up being one of the world's most happy accidents if we have our way. According to National Public Radio, the magnificent summer treat was created in 1905 on a winter's night by a little boy by the name of Frank Epperson. He mistakenly left it out in the cold overnight after mixing a soft drink with soda water power and water with a wooden stirrer, which was thought to be a popular activity at the time. That's when a popsicle appeared!
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Sheep was Nirvana's working title for their sophomore album. This was apparently a snide remark about the people who might buy the album, as Cobain wrote in his journal, "Because you don't want to because everyone else is." According to bassist Krist Novoselic, the title reflects the band's cynicism.
That's over 3 feet per year! This is because it was created thousands of years ago on a lake. Today, the lake is part of Mexico Metropolis's aquifer system, and water demand is so high that the city is sinking.
According to tradition, the wizard Merlin brought Stonehenge from Ireland, where ancient giants had erected it, and rebuilt it on Salisbury Plain as a memorial to 3,000 noblemen killed in battle with the Saxons.
This fun fact about the Netherlands may entice beer-lovers to visit – they have the largest pub in all of Europe.
The Drie Gezusters (Three Sisters) pub in Groningen holds the title of the biggest pub on the continent and is a national heritage site. We hope it’s also got the most bathrooms of all the pubs in Europe!
The Drie Gezusters (Three Sisters) pub in Groningen holds the title of the biggest pub on the continent and is a national heritage site. We hope it’s also got the most bathrooms of all the pubs in Europe!