The other 97.7% are ethnically Chinese. This is because Taiwan was ruled by the Qing Dynasty for 200 years from 1683 to 1895. During this time, the locals were pushed out in the same way native Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders were by Europeans. This isn’t an upbeat Taiwan fact but it’s important to know.
Nowadays, there are just 500,000 indigenous people made up of eight different tribal groups. Sadly, their 26 native languages have become almost extinct. Unemployment rates are high and education levels low. However, since the 80s there has been a bit of a revival and several cities host indigenous cultural events. Will it be enough?
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If you regularly use the service on a computer, you can get to the hidden menu by pressing Shift + Alt and then clicking with your left mouse. This opens a troubleshooting menu where you can alter the bit rate of the show or movie you're watching so it doesn't buffer. While this may result in a decrease in video quality, some users prefer it to continuously seeing the buffering symbol on the screen.
Every crystal you find has mineral structure. For some, this structure corresponds to sacred geometry, determining how the crystal functions with a specific type of energy. These structures are distinct from tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, or monoclinic structures. Each of these has inner structures that have been observed to reverberate throughout nature and within your body. Hexagonal crystals, for example, are known to be the most powerful healers, whereas cubic and isometric minerals are good conductors of energy. It is best if you become more acquainted with this before purchasing some of these crystals.
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Traditional cleaning goods like paper towels and throwaway clothing always wind up in landfills, and many of them aren't even biodegradable! As a result, it takes decades for them to decompose into soil. Microfiber cloths, on the other hand, are renewable. You use a cloth to clean your house, and then you just wash it. It will be as good as new after washing! Because microfiber cloth is extremely resilient, you may repeat this cycle for years without affecting its cleaning capabilities. My favourite microfiber cloth is almost ten years old and still looks brand new. It may have faded a little, but it still works perfectly.
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The deserts of Egypt have their own ecosystems consisting of several Oasis, mountains, sand dunes, and oil reservoirs. Our favourite desert in Egypt was the White Desert in central
The deserts of Egypt have their own ecosystems consisting of several Oasis, mountains, sand dunes, and oil reservoirs. Our favourite desert in Egypt was the White Desert in central