One of the best sources of dietary antioxidants and naturally occurring nitrates is beetroot juice. Nitrates (not to be confused with nitrites!) are substances that increase blood flow to the brain, heart, and muscles as well as to other parts of the body.
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Motor vehicle accidents are the most prevalent cause of back pain, particularly spinal cord disorders. Automobile accidents account for 47% of all spinal cord injury cases.
The 1980s were a prosperous period for Lamborghini, and the company's president at the time, Patrick Mimran, thought the brand should expand. Lamborghini continues to make fantastic engines for boats, but its attempt to manufacture and market a motorbike failed miserably. Boxer Bikes built the Design 90 motorbike, which included a Kawasaki engine. The bike received fifty orders, but only six were manufactured, including ideas. When GM took over Lamborghini, the project was put on hold and eventually abandoned. The last time we saw a Design 90 in the wild, it was auctioned off but failed to achieve its reserve price.
True. The Greeks of old would bring a cake with candles on it. To the temple of Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon stood in for the glistening moon.
As each candle stood for a year that had passed, it wasn't until the 1700s that it started to become a birthday custom.
As each candle stood for a year that had passed, it wasn't until the 1700s that it started to become a birthday custom.
She was regarded as the "Mother of Modern Physics" for her work with radioactive materials and the discovery of elements such as polonium and radium. Unfortunately, her study took a heavy toll on her health, eventually leading to aplastic anemia, which led to her death. The radioactivity not only damaged her, but it also impacted the majority of her things, including her clothes, furniture, and books. Marie Curie's notes must now be preserved in a lead box more than a century later since they are still radioactive (and will be for another 1,500 years!).
Ladakh is home to a specialist in the creation of fake glaciers. Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer, saw a little brook had frozen beneath the trees. Soon after, he became involved in waster shed development and built more than 15 artificial glaciers. His longest glacier was over 1000 feet long and could support a whole settlement of 900 people.
We actually have a lot in common with the ancient Egyptians and one of the more fun facts about ancient Egyptians is that they too loved board games. It wasn’t just the wealthy that played board games either, even the commoners enjoyed a good board game.
The most popular board games were Senet and Mehen. Senet was a game that involved throwing sticks and was so popular that even Pharaohs were buried with the game to keep them occupied in the afterlife. These board games date back 5000 years. What is your favorite board game?
The most popular board games were Senet and Mehen. Senet was a game that involved throwing sticks and was so popular that even Pharaohs were buried with the game to keep them occupied in the afterlife. These board games date back 5000 years. What is your favorite board game?