Jingdezhen, also known as 'Jingde Town,' is China's well-known "porcelain capital." It is a prefecture-level city located about 400 kilometers (250 miles) west of Hangzhou, the ancient capital and "tea capital." In 1004, Emperor Jingde of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) named Jingdezhen after the fine bluish-white porcelain produced for the emperor.
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It is home to the country's only legal two-wheeler taxis. This is the only place in India where you can pay a motorcyclist for a lift without fear of riding off with a stranger! Goa is teeming with motorcycle taxis and pilots, who are known as the state's most cost-effective mode of transportation.
Halloween evolved from the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the Celtic calendar year in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. They believed it was a time when spirits or fairies could enter our world, and the Celts would set out treats and food to appease the spirits - sometimes, a place at the table was even set for the souls of the dead. Wiccans continue to celebrate Samhain as a New Year's Eve celebration today.
If you've ever seen stage hypnosis for entertainment purposes, you've probably seen the entertainer/hypnotist select a seemingly random group of audience members to come up on stage and "be hypnotized." But, as with any good show, not everything is as it appears. Various scientific studies have found that some people are more susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. These people are more easily persuaded into the subconscious mind than others. These people are frequently "tested" ahead of time, even if they are unaware of it.
That was Calcutta, after all! During the British Raj, India was a raging hub of all cultures, trade, flourishing cultures, and people. Calcutta, the then-capital of EIC India, is said to have been the second most important city in British colonies around the world after London. Here, major universities, economic industries, and other major institutions were built.
Research is necessary before deciding whether to adopt or buy a new beagle puppy from a breeder. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources available to aid in your search for a rescue or breeder that provides beagle puppies that are healthy and from ethical sources.
False fruit (accessory fruit) refers to a plant structure that looks like a fruit but is not formed from a flower or flowers. The cashew apple matures into a yellow and/or red structure measuring 5 to 11 cm (2.0-4.3 in) long. It is edible and has a pronounced "sweet" odor and flavor.
Each spot in India has its own intriguing story. Shimla is no exception. The popular Embarrassment point in Shimla is where Edge street meets the Shopping center road. There is a fascinating tale about how it got the name, Purportedly the Maharaja of Patiala went gaga for the little girl of the then Emissary of India, and without burning through much time he ran off with her from this very point. As a result of this, the English Government prohibited him from entering Shimla. The Maharaja answered by building himself another late spring capital in neighboring Chail and in this way showed contempt for the English not once but two times.
Dolores Umbridge, the worst villain in the Harry Potter series, wound condemned to Azkaban after Order of the Phoenix. According to Pottermore, the reason was that she was involved in imprisoning, torturing, and even ordering the deaths of several innocent witches and wizards during the Second Wizarding War. Being the worst fictional villain since Hannibal Lecter, on the other hand, is a fairly good justification to be imprisoned in Azkaban on its own. Was she worse than him who shall not be named? Maybe not, but wizards and witches like this one were crucial to his machinations, so she's surely in the running for the worst of the wizarding worst.
Isaac Newton was just seeing the fall of a fruit, which inspired the development of Newton's law of universal gravitation. The scientist's biographer, William Stukeley, noted this in his book Memoirs of Isaac Newton's Life. This is the source of the legend of an apple falling on Newton's head.
The bulk of this deep subseafloor biosphere develops incredibly slowly in comparison to life on the top, with cell division estimated to occur once per 10-1000 years or so. Scientists are discovering new microscopic life sources further and deeper beneath the ocean than ever before. In March, a team of scientists announced that they had discovered signs of bacteria in rocks 400 feet below the seafloor—the deepest ever discovered.
Fennel seeds are high in potassium, which controls the quantity of fluid in the circulation. It aids in the regulation of your heart rate and blood pressure. According to the published research, fennel seeds raise the level of nitrite in the saliva. Nitrite is a naturally occurring substance that regulates blood pressure.
This fun fact about the Netherlands may entice beer-lovers to visit – they have the largest pub in all of Europe.
The Drie Gezusters (Three Sisters) pub in Groningen holds the title of the biggest pub on the continent and is a national heritage site. We hope it’s also got the most bathrooms of all the pubs in Europe!
The Drie Gezusters (Three Sisters) pub in Groningen holds the title of the biggest pub on the continent and is a national heritage site. We hope it’s also got the most bathrooms of all the pubs in Europe!