Despite the fact that food never enters the pancreas, the organ is crucial to digestion. It secretes pancreatic fluid, which is transported to the duodenum via the pancreatic duct. The fluid's enzymes assist in the breakdown of fat, protein, and carbohydrates once it enters the digestive system. It performs the role of an exocrine gland by secreting a substance through ducts to other areas of the body. It also performs an endocrine function, secreting two hormones into the bloodstream to aid in blood sugar regulation. When you have too much sugar, insulin is released, and when you don't, glucagon is released.
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Ancient Egyptians believed that they had to follow strict rules to have a good afterlife. They also believed that it was up to the living to help them get to the afterlife. Great care was taken in the mummification process because the ancient Egyptians believed that the body needed to be preserved to be reborn and be ferried to the afterlife. They even mummified animals.
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Have you ever wondered where the superstition that breaking a mirror would bring seven years of bad luck originated? This ancient superstition dates all the way back to Roman times, according to our fun fact about mirror number 8.
The Romans believe that breaking a mirror would harm both your soul and your life, which are renewed every seven years. As a result, seven years of bad luck followed.
The Romans believe that breaking a mirror would harm both your soul and your life, which are renewed every seven years. As a result, seven years of bad luck followed.