The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope was bought by the Vatican in 1981. It is one of the world's biggest telescopes. It is located on the summit of Mount Graham in southeast Arizona, and it is where the Vatican performs astronomical research.
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Because Uranus rotates on its side, something large may have collided with it in the past. Its magnetic north and south are likewise opposed to its polar north and south. Overall, this has some strange seasonal consequences. Consider a planet in which the south pole is aimed at the sun and the north pole is wrapped in darkness. That was the situation faced by Voyager 2 on its 1986 visit.
Japan paid a million yen to a team of scientists who claimed to develop a "death ray" that would use wave electric power to kill persons standing kilometres away, based on Nikola Tesla's ideas. The Japanese got as far as developing a prototype that could kill from half a mile away—but the victim had to stay motionless for 10 minutes for it to operate.
Leonardo was born on 14/15 April 1452 at a farmhouse outside the hamlet of Anchiano in Tuscany, the son of Ser Piero, a rich Florentine notary, and Caterina, an unmarried peasant woman. They had 12 other children with other partners, but Leonardo was their sole kid together. Because of his illegitimacy, he was not expected to follow in his father's footsteps and become a notary. He was instead free to pursue his own interests and enter the creative arts.
The insect family Mymaridae includes the fairyfly (Mymaridae). In addition, the fairyfly is a member of the subfamily Chalcidoidea of the Hymenoptera order.
Antioxidants included in thyme have been demonstrated to stop the spread of malignant cells. Carnosol and rosmarinic acid, two of these substances, slow the spread of cancer by stopping "cancer stem cells" from proliferating. Thymol, a different antioxidant included in thyme oil, has also been shown to successfully halt the growth of ovarian, cervical, stomach, colon, lung, and breast cancers.
Highly intelligent, and amicable, they’re one of the most versatile and adaptable dog breeds found in India. Desi dogs are loyal, loving, and street-smart.
Indian Pariah dogs make for loving family pets and are great with kids and adults. They are high on energy and complement kids with an active lifestyle.
Indian Pariah dogs make for loving family pets and are great with kids and adults. They are high on energy and complement kids with an active lifestyle.