Folklore has evolved in every society throughout human history, and the majority of these tales serve to allay anxieties about the unknown. For instance, while the majority of Americans today are convinced that Bigfoot does not exist, some still do. The Qallupilluk was the name of the mythical being that the ancient Inuit people feared and revered. This word means "monster," and stories about its horrifying deeds were used to discourage kids from becoming lost. Early tales claimed that Qallupilluk was an aquatic creature that tore children away from their parents and dragged them to an icy tomb.
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The symptoms for understanding whether your body clock is out of kilter are relatively straightforward:
You find it difficult to go to sleep.
You have restless nights, frequently waking throughout the night.
You wake up early and can’t fall back to sleep.
If you have ever been jet-lagged before, then this is exactly what an out of sync body clock feels like. Jet lag is simply a mismatch of the time of day and your body clock and is one of the primary causes of an out of time sleep-wake rhythm.
You find it difficult to go to sleep.
You have restless nights, frequently waking throughout the night.
You wake up early and can’t fall back to sleep.
If you have ever been jet-lagged before, then this is exactly what an out of sync body clock feels like. Jet lag is simply a mismatch of the time of day and your body clock and is one of the primary causes of an out of time sleep-wake rhythm.