In China, stories of an undead creature known as Jiangshi have existed since the Qing Dynasty. Though the word literally translates to “stiff corpse,” these reanimated bodies are often referred to as “hopping vampires” because they move by hopping with arms outstretched and hide in coffins or unlit areas during the day. The pale, lifeless creatures are often depicted as rotting or decomposing and are believed to kill the living with one touch. Chinese residents who fear the dead place a six-inch piece of wood at the bottom of the door to prevent them from entering their homes.
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The windmills traditionally harnessed the wind for a variety of purposes, such as grinding grain and draining wetlands, but there are only a few still in commercial operation.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kinderdijk is the best place to see Dutch windmills, with 19 traditional windmills.
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If you've ever been to a synagogue, you'll know that they're generally quite simple and austere places of worship. But not Budapest's Great Synagogue. This Jewish temple on Dohány Street is tall and majestic, with one of the largest and most impressive cathedral naves I've ever seen. It is one of Europe's most beautiful synagogues. The Great Jewish Synagogue, built between 1854 and 1859, seats 3000 people. It is Europe's largest synagogue and the world's second-largest (after Belz Great Synagogue, in Jerusalem).
Thyme essential oil is not just effective against pests. It has been discovered that this important thyme plant extract targets bacteria and viruses like the Zika virus (which is responsible for spreading through mosquitoes) with equal effectiveness. It is also a component of several outdoor and interior pesticides.
You may design your own personalised clip-in extensions just at home! All you need are some weft extensions, clips, thread, needle, and scissors if you're feeling crafty and up for the task. There are several techniques available online, but in general, you will need to trim the weft extensions to the correct width, sew in the clips, and you have your own extensions. If you don't want to deal with the inconvenience, you may just buy prefabricated extensions. Secret of Medusa sells high-quality wefts, clips, and clip-ins for your convenience.
When Thracian tribes initially settled the Bulgarian capital in 7000 BC, it began a very intriguing history.
Originally known as Serdika, Ulpia Serdica is now the preferred name for Sofia. In honor of St. Sophia Cathedral, it was renamed Sofia in the fourteenth century.
Originally known as Serdika, Ulpia Serdica is now the preferred name for Sofia. In honor of St. Sophia Cathedral, it was renamed Sofia in the fourteenth century.