Players were never able to advance the ball. Instead, each player was required to toss it from where he caught it. The first team credited with advancing the ball by dribbling did so at Yale in 1897, and the official allowed for dribbling, initially only one per possession, was implemented four years later. The slam dunk, another major basketball technique, was outlawed from the 1967-1968 season until the 1976-1977 season.
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Here it is for everyone who has been waiting for it since our previous mention, or who simply skipped ahead till they discovered it. A mature butterfly has a lifespan of three to four weeks, although the full life cycle can last anywhere from two to eight months. There are exceptions to the rule, as there are to any rule. At least one butterfly species lives for around 24 hours, but certain migratory butterflies, such as the North American Monarch, can live for about eight months.
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No, not an elaborate April Fool. Many cats have lived at the Museum over the years. Perhaps the most famous was Mike, who guarded the main gate between 1909 and 1929. When he died, his obituary appeared in the Evening Standard and TIME magazine. The picture above shows Mike in action.
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Chia seeds contain 5g of total fat per tablespoon, with more than 80% of the fat coming from unsaturated sources. They include high levels of ALA, which can assist your body in producing more DHA and EPA, two necessary fatty acids for optimal health.
The best graphite in the nineteenth century came from China. Yellow is associated with royalty and respect in China. American manufacturers began painting their pencils yellow to convey a luxurious, high-quality vibe.
Austen had an affair with her neighbor Tom Lefroy when she was 20 years old, beginning in December 1895. Lefroy was a recent college graduate on his way to London to study law. Due to a lack of funds, Lefroy and Austen did not pursue their mutual attraction. In January 1896, Lefroy was sent away by family members who were unhappy with the match, and Austen never saw him again. Austen received her only known marriage proposal in December 1802 from Harris Bigg-Wither, the son of long-time family friends. Austen initially accepted, but the next morning she rescinded her acceptance. It's unclear why she changed her mind.
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There are between 32 and 45 different species of rattlesnakes known to science, and Arizona is home to many of them.
This includes the sidewinder rattlesnake, which is renowned for its horns and side-winding movements, as well as the western diamond-backed rattlesnake, which is the largest rattlesnake in the West. Four species are under special protection in Arizona, according to the Arizona Game and Fish Department: the massasauga rattlesnake, the twin-spotted rattlesnake, the ridge-nosed rattlesnake, and the rock rattlesnake.
This includes the sidewinder rattlesnake, which is renowned for its horns and side-winding movements, as well as the western diamond-backed rattlesnake, which is the largest rattlesnake in the West. Four species are under special protection in Arizona, according to the Arizona Game and Fish Department: the massasauga rattlesnake, the twin-spotted rattlesnake, the ridge-nosed rattlesnake, and the rock rattlesnake.