Hong Kong is the phonetic equivalent of (heung gong) in Cantonese, which literally translates as "fragrant harbour," derived from the delicious perfume of Aquilaria sinensis, Dongguan incense.
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You wouldn't anticipate centipedes to be perfect mothers given how brutal they are. Though it may come as a surprise, some species are actually fiercely protective of their young. In order to shield their eggs from predators until they hatch, females of the aforementioned species will encircle them. Some mothers will stay with their babies until they are old enough to leave the nest on their own, and these mothers will also clean the eggs to stop them from growing fungi.
2012 was a golden time for Apple. Because there are reports saying that Apple has sold about 3, 50,000 iPhones per day in 2012.
The Jewish tradition of covering up mirrors during shiva (the seven-day period of mourning by the deceased's immediate family) is still practiced today. According to several Jewish sources, when the soul departs from this world, a void is created. This void may end up attracting evil spirits to fill it. These demonic ghosts have a penchant for attaching themselves to mirror reflections. To prevent this from happening, Jews cover their mirrors until the end of shiva.
Barbara Gordon's crippling was one of the most infamous scenes in the Batman saga. When Alan Moore had the idea, he asked DC's head, Len Wein, if it was okay. Wein is said to have said, "sure, go ahead," as if they didn't care about her. Moore later said in a 2006 interview that he wished DC had reined him in a little more on that.
After an additional 5 minutes, 90% of recollection is gone. Sigmund Freud believed this was because dreams represent our repressed thoughts and so our brain wants to get rid of them quickly. However, it’s much more likely due to our brains simply being used much more as soon as we’re awake and so we forget much of what we’ve dreamed about.
Although it has been popularly stated that the month was named after the Roman deity Janus, it is really derived from the Latin word "ianua," which means door. The name was selected to represent the opening of a fresh door as the new year begins.
If blessings are on one side of the coin, an evil eye is on the other. We can't refute it; all we can do is shield ourselves from it. Tiger Eye Gemstone has served as the wearer's protector. The stone keeps opponents' ill will and jealousy from close relatives at bay. If you know of someone in your family who is always sick or who becomes sick after a certain incident, purchasing a protection stone for them might be the first step in establishing a protection wall around them.
With vitamin D, there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing. While vitamin D poisoning is uncommon, it is not impossible, and this state — vitamin D toxicity — has major health repercussions,
Don't be fooled by the name—not it's a spider or a bird. It's a wasp, not a bee. However, this insect produces one of the most excruciating bug bites. According to entomologist Justin Schmidt, who developed the "Schmidt sting pain index" to assess the intensity of bug bites, the tarantula hawk is one of only two insects to receive a 4 on a scale of 1 to 4.
Africa has parts in all four hemispheres. c It, for example, spans all four hemispheres and encompasses nearly 12 million square miles.
According to the ADAA, from the time a girl reaches puberty to the age of 50, she is twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder as a man. A woman’s fight or flight response is more easily activated and stays activated longer than a man’s – partly due to progesterone and estrogen. There’s also evidence to suggest that the female brain does not process serotonin as quickly as the male brain and they are more sensitive to low levels of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a hormone that organizes stress responses in mammals.
Everyone knows Peter Parker was orphaned as a child and raised by his aunt and uncle, but nothing is known about his parents. It was a mystery for a long time. They were eventually discovered to be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They went on several missions together and even helped Wolverine out of a jam at one time. Unfortunately, they were killed in an aircraft crash engineered by the nefarious Red Skull not long after giving birth to Peter.
There's a reason why it's called the "sunshine vitamin." According to Harvard Health Publishing, a molecule in your skin converts to vitamin D3 when the sun's ultraviolet B light strikes you. Your kidneys receive vitamin D3 from your liver and convert it into an active form that can be utilised by your body.
Who knew there was a happy mascot out there named Herbie Hot Pockets? We'll let you decide if the sandwich with sunglasses is adorable or disturbing.
Although it can be grown outside as well, this type of plant is typically kept indoors. Vastu sastra states that it is advantageous to place the plant facing North in your home.
Hindi and Urdu are very similar, with most terms being the same in both languages. If you know Hindi, you can easily speak with anyone in Urdu.
Understanding the essential concepts of Buddhism may require, well, a Buddha, but that doesn't imply that ordinary people can't strive for the peace and understanding that Buddha possesses. "Buddha literally means 'the awakened one.' "Budh" means "awakened," and "Buddh-a" implies "one who has awakened from illusion." It indicates that anyone can become awakened. "You, too, can be Buddh-a," Marcel explains. Being compassionate to others, whether Buddhist or not, enriches their lives—and yours.
In 2020, Netflix released "The Queen's Gambit," an adaptation of Walter Tevis' novel of the same name. Anya Taylor-Joy starred as chess prodigy Beth Harmon in the limited series. Every game in the series was created by chess consultants Garry Kasparov and Bruce Pandolfini. Whether the game was shown on screen or not, the actors learned and played every move, including the speed chess games.
Over 300 different types of bread can be found in Germany, which is another interesting fact. Regional variations aren't even taken into account in that! There are more than 1,200 different varieties of pastries, cakes, and other baked products. If you're a foodie who enjoys trying new meals from different cultures, Germany is a unique place where you may sample a variety of cuisines. Really, Germany is a carbohydrate lover's dream.
The ideal time to see butterflies is during the summer, as anyone who likes to take walks through flower-filled fields or spend time gardening in their backyard is sure to know. With their orange and black wings, monarch butterflies spend the summer in North America before making their annual migration south (or occasionally west) for the winter. To find out if they are going by your neighborhood, you can even follow their route!
In stark contrast to their modern-day high status, lobsters were routinely fed to convicts during colonial times (and slaves). They were filthy, inexpensive, and everywhere. Prisoners were ordered to limit their consumption of lobster to three days a week when they became sick of it.
Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, observed that "likes tend towards likes" as early as 391 BC. As you may be aware, this is very similar to the adage "like attracts like." That is the main lesson of the Law of Attraction.
It was used for the execution of captives, including as Christians and Jews, as part of the Roman Triumph, as well as chariot racing. Historians estimate that the Circus Maximum could house 150,000 - 250,000 people at any given time. This implies it might house more spectators than North Korea's Rungrado May Day Stadium, the world's largest capacity stadium, which can hold around 114,000 people.
Brit Garry Turner has quite the talent – he can pull the skin of his stomach a length of 15.8 cm (6.22 in) giving him the record for the Stretchiest skin!
He is able to do this because he has a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. With this, the collagen that strengthens the skin and determines its elasticity allows for him to have such loose skin and super flexible joints.
He is able to do this because he has a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. With this, the collagen that strengthens the skin and determines its elasticity allows for him to have such loose skin and super flexible joints.