Yes, you read that correctly. According to Sveaskog, forests cover around 57% of Sweden. That equates to 23 million hectares or roughly the size of the United Kingdom. The Swedish Forestry Act governs forest management in terms of both production and the environment. The Act, among other things, says that there is a responsibility to reestablish forest after it has been felled.
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Someone born on April 20, 1889, was predicted to rise to power by an astrologer. Adolf Hitler was that "someone." Karl Krafft, a Swiss astrologer, predicted an attempted assassination of Hitler. Krafft was imprisoned by the Nazis for foreseeing the unfortunate event. When it became clear that the astrologer was not guilty, Goebbels, the Nazis' Minister of Propaganda, hired Krafft as their in-house astrologer. "It was Krafft's astrological forecasts that led Hitler to begin the successful Operation Barossa attack," according to AstrologyCosmos.
When the king queried his companions about the wonder of the idol and how it stayed in the air without a prop or support, some said that it was kept up by some secret support. The monarch asked someone to walk around with a spear and feel all around, above and below it, which he did but encountered no obstacles.
Maxwell Lappe, a dentist, invented Nu Nails, an artificial nail designed specifically for nail biters, in 1934. Dentists must be obsessed with nail care, because dentist Fred Slack invented the first modern acrylic nails.
Being a pirate was not limited to men. Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Grace O'Malley, and Ching Shih are examples of famous female pirates.
China pieces have served as a special collector's item for porcelain enthusiasts ranging from Chinese emperors to Western art lovers. The highest price ever paid for a piece of antique china is $84,000,000. Less expensive, non-antique pieces are always a popular souvenir for friends and family as the classic artistic product of China.
Belle's blue dress visually depicts her status as an outcast in her village. The colours of her dresses also reflect her emotions. Belle is depressed and lonely when she wears blue.
If you or someone you know has ever quit smoking with nicotine gum, you can thank Sweden. Nicorette, the first product, was created by Leo AB in Helsingborg. It was inspired by the fact that while on duty, smoking Swedish submariners would switch from tobacco to chewing tobacco or snus to get their nicotine fix. Nicorette wasn't the first time nicotine was placed in chewing gum, but they did design a polymer that regulated the flow of nicotine into the bloodstream, allowing for a continuous release and a gradual withdrawal, allowing millions of people to stop for good.
South India was ruled by approximately 18 dynasties. Southern India's history spans more than four thousand years, during which time the region witnessed the rise and fall of several empires, dynasties, and empires. Cheras, Pandyans, Cholas, Travancores, Chalukyas, Sathavahanas, Pallavas, Hoysalas, Kadambas, Wodeyars, Rashtrakutas, Kakatiyas, and the Vijayanagara Empire were the most important dynasties at various points in history. Furthermore, the Muslim empire rose in this region in 1323 CE, followed by the Nizams and British Empire in the 18th century.
Toby Gard claims that one day while messing around with Lara's model, he accidentally made her breasts 150 percent larger. He intended to return them to being simply oversized rather than anatomically impossible, but the other guys on the team noticed the changes and told Toby that Lara "looked better that way" and that he should keep the changes. You don't say anything, do you?
This steep area has approximately 100 active volcanoes, accounting for nearly 10% of all active volcanoes in the globe; the environment is ideal for skiing and hiking. It is also a popular destination for trekkers, as Mount Fuji is one of their sacred mountains. Japan is also well-known for earthquakes.
Spiders, unlike humans, have blue blood. However, there is a scientific explanation for this. In humans, oxygen is bound to an iron-containing molecule, which gives our blood its red colour. However, in spiders, the molecule to which oxygen is bound contains copper, giving their blood a blue colour.
Another fun fact about Spain is that although Spanish is the majority language, Spain has 4 co-official languages. They are Catalan, Basque, Galician, and Aranese​. There are other Romance minority languages, though not official, that have special recognition, such as the Astur-Leonese group (table) and Aragonese (aragonés) in Aragon.​ You can think of it as English and French in Canada.
Malleus Maleficarum became the go-to handbook for both the hysterical masses and witch-hunters on how to deal with a witch. It was a legal and theological document written by two clergymen that offered advice like shaving the witch's hair off her body so she can't hide magical objects. Go figure.
Remember the simple checklist when considering insulin resistance. BAGODES:
High blood pressure
A simple checklist like this one will guarantee that healthcare personnel does not overlook critical interventions with particular patients.
High blood pressure
A simple checklist like this one will guarantee that healthcare personnel does not overlook critical interventions with particular patients.