For her suspenseful film about the Iraq war, "The Hurt Locker," Kathryn Bigelow made history by becoming the first woman to win the Oscar for Best Director. James Cameron, who was nominated for the same award for his 3-D epic "Avatar," was defeated by Kathryn. She is only the fourth woman to ever receive a nomination; the others are Lina Wertmüller for "Pasqualino Settebellezze," Lina Wertmüller for "The Piano," and Sofia Coppola for "Lost in Translation" (2004). (1977).
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The snake plant controls the rate of transpiration, making it an active plant. The plant can control these activities to enable dry and hot weather-resistant growth. It also makes the snake plant versatile, though. Therefore, even if you set your snake plant in a humid location, it will still grow successfully.
If you visit northern Norway in the summer, you may take advantage of the midnight sun. Admire the night scenery in the setting sun, with extra daylight for outdoor activities and living like a native. In the northern city of Troms, for example, the sun only sets for 3-5 hours each night between May and July. In June, closer to the summer solstice, the sun never sets.
The Hands Resist Him is a haunting painting created by Bill Stoneham in 1974. The work depicts a young boy standing next to a female doll who has hollow eyes and a downturned smile. Behind them are disembodied hands reaching through the glass panels on the door. Though the contents of the painting are spooky in itself, some also believe that anyone in contact with it will die. The art critic, gallery owner, and first owner of the painting each died within a couple of years of each other after coming in contact with the painting.
As reported by Oprah Magazine, scientists have studied the way that the amount of Vitamin D via sunlight a person gets when their pregnant ends up manifesting in their child's personality and mental health. And that's largely dependent on when the child is born.
"People born in the fall are more likely to develop the panic disorder and/or drug abuse problems; in late winter and early spring to become schizophrenic; and in spring and early summer to have propensities for anorexia, suicide, and dyslexia," the publication says.
"People born in the fall are more likely to develop the panic disorder and/or drug abuse problems; in late winter and early spring to become schizophrenic; and in spring and early summer to have propensities for anorexia, suicide, and dyslexia," the publication says.