The femur bone, found in the upper leg, is your body's longest bone. As a result, it can withstand hundreds of pounds of force and is extremely tough to break. Femurs have the ability to support 30 times your own weight! The majority of femur fractures are caused by severe vehicle accidents or falls from considerable heights, which can provide enough force to shatter the bone.
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While this seems like a great feat, when we cycled from Egypt to Sudan, we saw the devastation that this dam caused. At one time, Sudan was lush and green along the Nile and even tourists from the UK would vacation in Wadi Halfa in Sudan. Today, it is a dried-up mess thanks to the damming of Lake Nassar.
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Dog owners in Turin, Italy will be fined up to €500 if they don’t walk their pets at least three times a day, under a new law from the city’s council. Italy considers itself an animal-loving nation and in many cities, stray cats are protected by law.
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To enforce the law, Turin police would rely largely on the help of tipsters spotting cruel treatment by neighbors. Turin has the most stringent animal protection rules in the country. They even ban fairgrounds from giving away goldfish in bags.