Perhaps he is the king (or queen) of diplomatic blunders. When Wonder Woman was illegally detained by the Department of Metahuman Affairs, Hippolyta devised a plan to invade Washington, D.C. and murder everyone in sight. Sure, it was a Circe manipulation plot, but that was a little far-fetched! In fact, the series was panned for its violent and gruesome nature – after all, it's not every day that DC fans read about Amazons murdering innocent children in Washington.
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During Japanese rule it became the wealthy, modernized country it is today. There are plenty of places you can visit Japanese hill towns, tea houses, and hot springs used by the colonial rulers. While these places are quaint and charming, historians tell us that the Japanese were cruel rulers and forced local women to be their concubines.
Few visitors to Budapest are aware of the little church on the rock beneath Gellert Hill in Budapest Old Town. Despite being surrounded by so many grandiose churches, Sziklatemplom ('Rock Church') is relatively unknown. If you happen to be near the Liberty Bridge (the green metal one), you can visit this strange chapel founded in 1926 by a group of Pauline monks. The Cave Church (which is still in use) is not spectacular, but it is charming in its own right. Off the beaten path, but worth a 30-minute detour.
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A common, but the lesser-known side effect of anxiety is anger. When we feel powerless over a situation, or our life is out of our control, expressing anger is a natural way to feel a sense of control.
It’s much easier to externalize the conflict rather than acknowledge the real issue and deal with it. Additionally, with chronic sufferers of anxiety, depression sometimes develops.
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If you're curious about the origins of the word "cake," it comes from the Middle English word "Kake." This term was used in the Middle Ages to describe a flat and round bread that was baked on both sides. It sounds a lot like the cakes we have here. It is also closely related to other words like pastry or tarts. Not only are they similar in words, but they are also similar in other ways.
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They eat worms, insect larvae, small crustaceans, larval fish, and other invertebrates. They use their stinging cells to stun, entangle, or kill their prey before eating it. Some species of Hydra have even been known to sting fish to death.
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Saint Marinus established the monastery on September 3, 301 CE. For a long period, the city-state has retained its independence and has survived several crises, including barbarian invasions, the Napoleonic Wars, and the Italian Reunification.
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History was made on 1 April 2001 when the Netherlands became the world’s first country to legalize same-sex marriage. Job Cohen, the mayor of Amsterdam at the time, married four couples at midnight on 1 April to mark the occasion. Many same-sex couples have since happily tied the knot.
Amsterdam is also known for being one of the world’s most LGBTQ-friendly cities, with plenty of gay bars. You can also see the Homomonument in the city centre, a tribute to gay men and women.
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