In 1760, the Japanese thought flying kites was more fun than working. As a result, the Japanese government outlawed kite flying. During the Cultural Revolution, China also prohibited kite flying. Kites are known as Fen Zheng in Chinese. It's an abbreviation for wind harp. The name comes from the use of kites to transport musical instruments by the Chinese. Furthermore, Chinese people believe that looking at kites in the sky is good for their eyesight.
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Anne Boden, CEO of the British bank Starling, commissioned a language analysis of 300 money-related publications a few years ago. She discovered that 90% of money articles geared at women advised women to spend less, while the majority of those aimed at males advised men to invest and develop wealth. 'Women are advised to reduce their coffee consumption in order to save money for a new pair of shoes,' Boden told the New York Times. 'Money is all about power suits, investing, and long-term ambitions with males.'
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