Toby Gard, the creator of Lara Croft, joked that it became clear that Tomb Raider needed a female protagonist when he realised that third-person games require a lot of staring at the main character's butt, so he should probably make that butt a lady's butt to keep him sane during the long hours. In reality, Core was probably afraid of being sued by Lucasfilm for their obvious Indiana Jones rip-off, so they needed a new character who couldn't be confused with Harrison Ford. The simplest way to accomplish this was to switch genders.
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Passport has been around for quite some time! In fact, it is mentioned in the Bible for the first time. It is found in The Book of Nehemiah, an Old Testament tome. Around 450BC, Nehemiah, an official in the service of King Artaxerxes I, the sixth King of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, granted passage to Judea via a royal missive addressed "to the governors of the province beyond the river." The permission to freely circulate, granted in response to the royal request, is the beginning of what will formally become the passport, this laissez-passer that we know today.
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Richard and Maurice McDonald both the company's founders established and occupied a hot dog stand near the Santa Anita racecourse in Arcadia, California, the USA in the late 1930s. They launched a drive-in barbecue restaurant in San Bernardino, California, in 1940, which they converted into a burger establishment in 1948. Maurice and Richard McDonald owned the world's ninth-largest economy, with 27 billion dollars in income from McDonald's franchisees.
Thyme emits a powerful perfume that is both earthy and slightly spicy. It's good knowing that people can smell lemon essence. Some people say it has a flavor that is somewhat similar to oregano yet slightly distinct. It is a well-liked herb that can be used in savory and sweet dishes.
The fight against air pollution must include tax breaks for cars with low and zero emissions. Massive investments in environmentally friendly public transportation and better-integrated walking and cycling routes are also necessary to encourage people to abandon their cars altogether.
Your liver uses cholesterol to make bile acids, and bile is the only way your body can get rid of excess cholesterol.
Your body also uses cholesterol to make sex hormones, like estrogen and testosterone. If you have liver disease, you’ll have trouble absorbing fats as well as hormonal problems.
But fats are chemically different from cholesterol; the body burns fats for energy. That’s why food labels list fat and cholesterol separately.
Your body also uses cholesterol to make sex hormones, like estrogen and testosterone. If you have liver disease, you’ll have trouble absorbing fats as well as hormonal problems.
But fats are chemically different from cholesterol; the body burns fats for energy. That’s why food labels list fat and cholesterol separately.