The 1980s were a prosperous period for Lamborghini, and the company's president at the time, Patrick Mimran, thought the brand should expand. Lamborghini continues to make fantastic engines for boats, but its attempt to manufacture and market a motorbike failed miserably. Boxer Bikes built the Design 90 motorbike, which included a Kawasaki engine. The bike received fifty orders, but only six were manufactured, including ideas. When GM took over Lamborghini, the project was put on hold and eventually abandoned. The last time we saw a Design 90 in the wild, it was auctioned off but failed to achieve its reserve price.
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Since Daviel's groundbreaking procedure in the 18th century, cataract surgery has advanced significantly. Technology advancements have led to changes and improvements in the process. One of the procedures that are carried out the most frequently in the US is laser surgery. You can say goodbye to cataracts in as little as 15 to 30 minutes. Success rates have also increased. Following laser cataract surgery, nine out of ten patients have vision that is twenty-twenty or better.
Another interesting Egyptian football fact. There are two clubs that are great rivals yet share the same venue, similar to how A.C Milan and Inter Milan share the same stadium while being rivals in Italy!
Just as there was a run on pet rats, the population of clownfish in their natural habitats took a precipitous drop following the release of Finding Nemo, which stars a clownfish. Marine biologists reported that the numbers of the fish dropped by as much as 75 percent in the Australian reefs they inhabit.
Peas are excellent for lowering cholesterol. Additionally, it improves digestion and lowers cholesterol.
With four Best Actress Oscars to her name, Katharine Hepburn is the actress with the most of them. With a total of 4 awards under his belt, Clint Eastwood is the male actor with the most Oscars; however, he didn't receive any for acting. For Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby, he received two Oscars for Best Director as well as two for Best Picture.
A common, but the lesser-known side effect of anxiety is anger. When we feel powerless over a situation, or our life is out of our control, expressing anger is a natural way to feel a sense of control.
It’s much easier to externalize the conflict rather than acknowledge the real issue and deal with it. Additionally, with chronic sufferers of anxiety, depression sometimes develops.
It’s much easier to externalize the conflict rather than acknowledge the real issue and deal with it. Additionally, with chronic sufferers of anxiety, depression sometimes develops.
Have you ever wondered where the superstition that breaking a mirror would bring seven years of bad luck originated? This ancient superstition dates all the way back to Roman times, according to our fun fact about mirror number 8.
The Romans believe that breaking a mirror would harm both your soul and your life, which are renewed every seven years. As a result, seven years of bad luck followed.
The Romans believe that breaking a mirror would harm both your soul and your life, which are renewed every seven years. As a result, seven years of bad luck followed.