Selenium is an essential antioxidant for cell metabolism. This antioxidant is typically difficult to locate in meals, but chia seeds are an excellent source.
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Wade Wilson, the protagonist of Marvel's Deadpool, was initially conceived as a parody of DC's Deathstroke, Slade Wilson. The name "Wade Wilson" was an inside joke for being "connected" to "Slade Wilson." Later, Deadpool was reimagined as a crazy smartass anti-hero.
Chisinau, occupied by the Red Army in June 1940, was devastated by a severe earthquake in October of that year, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale and destroying much of the city. As if that wasn't enough, the Luftwaffe arrived the next year and destroyed what was remained the city to smithereens.
The Journal of Experimental Psychology published a study in January 2014 that found babies as young as nine months old recognise that their friends have similar interests. Babies appear to have expectations about the social world even before they can talk. Even at such a young age, we understand what it takes to be friends.
Consistently on the late spring solstice, a special ball game is played at the Growden Remembrance Park known as the 12 PM Sun Game. The game took place in Fairbanks, Alaska, and because the Sun was out for almost 24 hours on the solstice, there was no artificial lighting from 10:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The custom started in 1906 and has been played consistently beginning around 1960 by The Frozen North Goldpanners.
Most species don't even need to provide any parental care for their newborn pups, which can swim and feed right away. Researchers are only now beginning to comprehend how being caught—even unintentionally—can result in premature births in ray species. According to research in the journal Biological Conservation, after being captured, roughly 85% of blue stingrays lost their young.
The front of the Rolls Royce starring the Spirit of Ecstasy — an early hood peculiar to a Rolls Royce was prone to being tossed off its front. This booty hack is no longer a possible with the current models, thanks to a safety device that allows the mascot to retract quickly into the body of the car when force is applied. If you're wondering what the word means, it refers to the illicit love affair between John Walter, editor of The Car Illustrated magazine, and his secretary, Eleanor Velasco Thorton. Sultry and hot!
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" was a furious rock anthem that exploded out of the speakers, making everything else on MTV seem puny and insignificant in comparison. The author of the song heard it differently. "It's such a perfect combination of cleanliness and nice, candy-ass production," Cobain said in an interview with biographer Michael Azerrad. "It may seem extreme to those who aren't used to it, but I think it's kind of lame."
Jelly donut is referred to as a Berliner, but not in Berlin. Pfannkuchen is the term used in Berlin. He did in fact give a speech that day. Kennedy was also known to struggle with learning foreign languages. However, he was conscious of his words while he gave that speech. Kennedy made the right statement. In reality, he deviated from his prepared remarks and gave a moving speech to the nervous Berliners.
Rorschach invented the inkblot test, which consisted of ten splotchy cards, to detect mental disease. According to Damion Searls, author of The Inkblots, a history of Rorschach and his invention, no surviving memoranda or notes reveal Rorschach's technique for making the cards or what data or sources he may have utilized to create them. According to Searls, Rorschach subsequently stated simply that "empirical observations" guided the blots and that he had "no explanation for why the test functioned at all."
With so many high-end moisturisers available, some individuals believe that the more costly a moisturiser, the better. Actually, drugstore moisturisers work just as well – you simply have to select the perfect one.
Glass is made by heating sand, lime, and soda ash at extremely high temperatures. Glass is formed when the liquid mixture cools down.
Did you know that the longest river in the world is located in Egypt? The Nile River cuts through Egypt and about 95 percent of the population of Egypt resides along the Nile River. With much of the country being occupied by desert, this fact about Egypt isn’t all that surprising. 90 percent of Egypt is made up of desert and the River Nile divides that desert.
The ancient Egyptians divided Egypt into two lands, the desert, and the Nile Valley. Contrary to what you would think, upper Egypt is located in the South and Lower Egypt is north. That is because the Nile flows north towards the Mediterranean Sea.
The ancient Egyptians divided Egypt into two lands, the desert, and the Nile Valley. Contrary to what you would think, upper Egypt is located in the South and Lower Egypt is north. That is because the Nile flows north towards the Mediterranean Sea.