Cairo is Africa's and the Middle East's biggest metropolis, with a population of 22 million people and an area of around 500 square kilometres. It's also one of the world's most populous cities.
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Here’s a fact that we can expect from Harvard. We all know that the process of getting into Harvard University is super rigorous and unbelievably hard. But did you know that the selection rate is just 4.6%? Meaning that for every 100 applications that Harvard receives yearly, around 95 are tossed out.
Making chamomile tea a regular part of your routine has the ability to help you prevent being unwell in the first place: In a tiny trial, 14 volunteers drank five cups of herbal tea every day for two weeks (which is more than the average person drinks in a day). Following that, investigators discovered a large rise in hippurate and glycine levels in their urine, both of which have been linked to enhanced antibacterial activity. An assessment of the advantages of chamomile tea, on the other hand, said that "more research is needed before a conclusive relationship between chamomile and its putative health benefits can be established."
It's incredible to consider how a tiny magnet can defy the gravity of an entire planet. Gravity, on the other hand, is the weakest of physics' so-called fundamental forces. It is also insignificant in comparison to the electromagnetic force that holds the magnet to the fridge.
This Amazing Facts About Hindi feature distinguishes it from other languages. When Hindi is written, it is pronounced precisely. This signifies that there are no silent letters in Hindi.
13 frames per second is the minimum speed required by the human brain to process consecutive images as movement. Anything less, and the human brain will treat each frame as a separate image. Because 16 FPS is so close to 13, old movies appear choppy and unnatural.
Blue eyes and red hair are the most unusual combination on the planet. The majority of (natural) redheads have brown eyes, followed by hazel or green.
Despite the fact that trumpets aren't as large as the tuba or the trombone, if you stretched out the instrument's densely packed metal tubing, it would measure an impressive 6 1/2 feet.
Anethole, found in fennel seeds, promotes galactagogues (substances that induce breastfeeding) to secrete more milk. According to several research, anethole mimics the effect of the oestrogen hormone and stimulates breastfeeding.
Betel leaves are a mild stimulant that the locals like to chew on for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, the leaves cause their mouths to water, which in turn is mixed with the red dye of the substance. People then spit this out onto the floor causing red stains along the street. The first impression when you see this ubiquitous marking on the floor may be blood. But, it’s not.
When you’re in Myanmar, you’ll see people chewing this and will become familiar with the red stains that line the streets. Vendors sell large green leaves containing the nut with spices and occasionally tobacco. Try it yourself if you dare.
When you’re in Myanmar, you’ll see people chewing this and will become familiar with the red stains that line the streets. Vendors sell large green leaves containing the nut with spices and occasionally tobacco. Try it yourself if you dare.