Publishing houses print a limited quantity of press copies (or ARCs/galleys) to send to reviewers such as Kirkus as well as their press contacts. These unfinished copies are costly to produce, but their function is to generate publicity. Keeping this in mind, presses are usually eager to send out early copies, especially when they receive polite, professional emails from reputable sources!
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You may have assumed it would be as simple as lighting your candle, but it's actually a little more difficult than that! Did you know that a candle's first burn is the most crucial?
You must allow your candle to burn sufficiently long the first time you light it! Depending on the size of your candle, it may take several hours for the entire top layer of wax to become liquid. Your candle will not burn evenly if you don't do this.
You must allow your candle to burn sufficiently long the first time you light it! Depending on the size of your candle, it may take several hours for the entire top layer of wax to become liquid. Your candle will not burn evenly if you don't do this.
The best-known line from Jaws ("You're gonna need a bigger boat," not "We're gonna need a bigger boat," as it's often misquoted, by the way) was not in the actual script. Actor Roy Scheider said it throughout the filming, joking about the small boat the producers had selected to hold the filming equipment, and it ended up in the final cut.
A line of trombone players performs the routine by bending and standing in time to a drumbeat until one player's trombone is where the head of a neighboring player was just moments earlier. Players who mistime the routine in practice frequently suffer from broken noses or black eyes, earning the routine the moniker "trombone suicide." Another name for it is a "head chop" for obvious reasons.
There are many beautiful flowers that makeup sunflowers, not just one. Smaller blooms make up sunflower heads. Depending on the type, there are typically 1,000–2,000 tiny buds on average, and the petals are also regarded as separate flowers. It's amazing how well these flowers all work together.
Poland is the EU's top candle manufacturer as of 2018. All candles manufactured in the EU were worth €619 million to it, or 38% of the total. 10% of the value of candles produced in the EU in 2018 was produced by Germany, which comes in second, and Italy, which comes in third (source: Eurostat).
Chinese, American, and Vietnamese candles were the most common imports from non-EU nations.
Chinese, American, and Vietnamese candles were the most common imports from non-EU nations.
A blueberry's silver-gray bloom is a protective layer that serves as a covering. The bloom is what keeps the berries fresh, so wait to wash them until you're ready to eat them.
Because monkeypox is uncommon, your doctor may consider other rash infections first, such as measles or chickenpox. Swollen lymph nodes, on the other hand, frequently identify monkeypox from other poxes.
Your doctor will collect a tissue sample from an open sore to diagnose monkeypox (lesion). The sample is then sent to a laboratory for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing (genetic fingerprinting). A blood sample may also be required to test for the monkeypox virus or antibodies produced by your immune system.
Your doctor will collect a tissue sample from an open sore to diagnose monkeypox (lesion). The sample is then sent to a laboratory for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing (genetic fingerprinting). A blood sample may also be required to test for the monkeypox virus or antibodies produced by your immune system.