Bihar became the first state in India to replace Urdu with Hindi as its single official state language in 1881, becoming the first state to do so.
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Slowbro is unusual in its capacity to revert to its previous incarnation, Slowpoke, according to the sometimes untrustworthy Pokedex entries. When a Shellder hooks on to a Slowpoke's tail, the creature develops, and it appears that the process is reversed if the shell Pokemon ever lets go.
Iguanas have a sensory organ called Jacobson's organ that allows them to detect smell, taste, and chemical signals. Iguanas learn about their environment and other lizards/people in this manner. When your iguana licks you, it's trying to figure out who you are.
Arthropods, like centipedes, typically have a waxy coating to retain moisture. Well, most arthropods aren't centipedes! Centipedes lack a waxy coating, despite the fact that they appear shiny, making them vulnerable to moisture loss. They inhabit very damp, dark areas as a result. However, their lack of a waxy layer is not entirely a drawback. They can move more quickly because the layer isn't there.
If you like tea, it could originate from Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, a name linked with tea. The first tea plant on the island, brought from China by the British in 1824, was showcased in the Royal Botanical Gardens near Kandy and has evolved into a big enterprise. This teardrop-shaped island nation is still a major tea producer and exporter, with more than one million of its 22 million inhabitants employed in the tea sector.
M. Night Shyamalan comes from a family of doctors. He was expected to be one as well, but he fell in love with film at a young age. As a tribute to his family, he appeared as a doctor in The Sixth Sense.
Because the hair is treated, clip-ins are regarded as relatively easy to shape and keep curls. This helps to keep your hair in place and voluminous during a fun-filled day or night out. To keep your lovely locks in place, apply suitable heat protectant spray and hair spray. A wonderful technique for long-lasting curls is to pin each curled clip-in for as long as possible before going out (maybe even do this the night before). On the day of the event, curl your natural hair as desired, remove the huge hair clips keeping the wefts in place, and attach your clip-ins.
Formality, courtesy, and social standing are all important. To show respect to the person you're speaking with, special nouns and verb ends are employed. This is also one of the reasons why skilled Korean translators are required by overseas firms. In this language, nuance is really crucial.
Tatum O'Neal, an actress, became the youngest-ever Oscar winner when she won Best Supporting Actress for the movie "Paper Moon" at the age of just 10.
Constellations (“set of stars”) are basically groups of stars that have imaginatively been linked together to depict mythological characters, animals and objects from mankind’s past. This allowed early people to organize the night sky into a recognizable form to assist in their religious study of the celestial heavens, as well as more earthly applications, such as predicting the seasons for farming, measuring time or as a directional compass.
A 5.9-liter V12 engine powers Aston Martins such as the DB9 and V12 Vantage S. Don't be deceived by the company's claim that it's a 6.0-liter. Another component of this engine that AM does not emphasise is what it begins as. This is due to the fact that it is effectively a pair of Ford Duratec V6s joined together. Sure, many components have been replaced in the quest of horsepower and torque – 565bhp and 457lb-ft in the V12 Vantage S – but several simple Ford sedan engine parts remain.
A lack of contraceptive education can have disastrous consequences for patients. People who have contraceptive misunderstandings not only end up with unexpected pregnancies, but they can also make themselves very ill. "When a lady came in with a washcloth stuffed in that region, I was assigned to the women's health area. Stank like hell, and she'd stuck it up there three weeks ago as DIY contraception "one doctor discloses
which is why braille books are much larger than their counterparts. For example, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” is 10 volumes in braille, the “New American Bible’’ is 45 volumes, and “Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary” is a shelf-hogging 72 volumes.
People invented "safety coffins" after being buried alive by accident so many times.
Doctors frequently misdiagnosed sick patients, which was common in 17th century England. Alice Blunden is one such example. After she drank sedatives, a doctor mistakenly declared her dead, and she was buried alive. This terrifying ordeal occurred not once, but twice. After exhuming her and discovering she was near death, they buried her again, only for her to struggle in the casket, still alive, until she died.
Doctors frequently misdiagnosed sick patients, which was common in 17th century England. Alice Blunden is one such example. After she drank sedatives, a doctor mistakenly declared her dead, and she was buried alive. This terrifying ordeal occurred not once, but twice. After exhuming her and discovering she was near death, they buried her again, only for her to struggle in the casket, still alive, until she died.