According to Chinese history, music was invented in 2697 B.C. when Emperor Huang Ti sent Ling Lun to cut bamboo poles that would produce a sound similar to a Phoenix bird's call.
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Thanos appears to be interested in winning love battles as well. Did you know he was involved in a love triangle with Deadpool and Lady Death? Indeed. This was alluded to in Deadpool 2, but not to its full degree. So, what's the story here? Both the Mad Titan and Wade Wilson fell in love with Death, but Thanos eventually won her over, and they even had a child together (Rot). How? He cursed Deadpool with immortality, preventing him from ever actually dying and reuniting with his love. That Thanos is such a jerk.
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Most people are familiar with Volkswagen's classic range of campervans, the Kombi, or even the Beetle. Currywurst sausages are a lesser-known food produced by Volkswagen's facilities. Why on earth would Volkswagen create sausages? VW constructed a facility in a secluded place and chose to prepare their own meals for the industrial workers. Volkswagen ended up selling its sausages commercially because they were so popular. Volkswagen's sausages are so popular that they generate more income than the company's automobiles!!
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The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and plants, most likely mosses and liverworts with shallow roots, may have colonized land as recently as 470 million years ago. Vascular plants appeared around 420 million years ago, but no plants grew higher than 3 feet (1 metre) off the ground for tens of millions of years after that.
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He did not write about relativity in the same way that Einstein did. But Galileo realised that motion is relative—that your impression of motion is affected by both your own movement and the movement of the thing you're looking at. Indeed, if you were imprisoned inside a windowless cabin aboard a ship, you would have no means of knowing whether the ship was immobile or travelling at a constant speed. These concepts would be food for thought for the youthful Einstein more than 250 years later.
River runoff from many regions of the world, including the Ganges and Brahmaputra, two of the world's biggest rivers, flows into this ocean. Because of its proximity to the equator, the evaporation rate is still rather significant.
Nepetalactone is a substance found in catnip. When cats sniff or chew on catnip, it is pulled up into the vomeronasal gland, a unique organ in the rear of the roof of their mouth. The nepetalactone then acts on the brain, causing stimulation.
If you've ever seen stage hypnosis for entertainment purposes, you've probably seen the entertainer/hypnotist select a seemingly random group of audience members to come up on stage and "be hypnotized." But, as with any good show, not everything is as it appears. Various scientific studies have found that some people are more susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. These people are more easily persuaded into the subconscious mind than others. These people are frequently "tested" ahead of time, even if they are unaware of it.
Mirrors and light are the primary components used in kaleidoscope construction. Kaleidoscopes are a fantastic way to reflect things when combined with a few more materials.
The most dramatic stock market meltdown in US history happened on Black Tuesday, October 24th, 1929. It is often assumed that the financial crisis resulted in innumerable suicides, however this was not the case. There were two of them.
Set out a day to go on an adventurous trip exploring all the temples stamped on the back of the Baht coins. And don't worry, it's possible to see them all in a day - as has been done by many tourists before. The temples are:
1 THB coin - Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha, inside The Grand Palace)
2 THB coin - Wat Saket (Temple on the Mount)
5 THB coin - Wat Benjamabophit (The Marble Temple)
10 THB coin - Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn)
1 THB coin - Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha, inside The Grand Palace)
2 THB coin - Wat Saket (Temple on the Mount)
5 THB coin - Wat Benjamabophit (The Marble Temple)
10 THB coin - Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn)