In 2011, a hiring manager for a Chinese language training company included in a job listing that candidates who were Virgos or Scorpios need not apply. Obviously, there was a backlash to the discriminatory policy, but the hiring manager doubled down to a local newspaper, claiming that she was counting those signs out because they have a tendency to be "feisty and critical."
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You might be tempted to take off the white flesh that lies between you and the luscious fruit as you peel back the grapefruit's outer skin. Pith is the term for that white flesh. And you might decide not to discard it.
According to swissinfo.ch, Switzerland has one of the greatest shares of internationals among other nations, accounting for around 24.6% in 2015. More over 80% of foreigners in Switzerland are from Europe, with nearly half coming from France, Germany, Italy, and Portugal alone. Switzerland leads the European immigration countries, with 19 arrivals per 1000 population on average in 2014, considerably ahead of Germany (11), the United Kingdom (9.8), Spain (6.6), and France (5.1).
Excessive exfoliation and cleansing can aggravate your acne problems. It irritates and dries out your skin, causing it to produce more oil. Excessive use of acne treatments can have the same effect. Stick to a morning and evening routine that includes cleansing, medicating, and moisturising.
One thing breast milk lacks that formula makes up for: vitamin D. Because many mothers are weak in this substance, their breast milk is insufficient as well, and their kids suffer as a result. According to one research, formula-fed babies had better bone mineralization (stronger bones) than breastfed babies, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfed kids take vitamin D supplements to compensate (ideally getting 400 IU per day in the first two months of life). Formula-fed newborns, on the other hand, are in good health as long as they consume 1 litre of infant formula every day.
You might not be able to identify a current Swedish musician or band off the top of your head. However, there is no question that you have heard Swedish music. For years, Swedish-produced or Swedish-written songs (including big British and American singles) have dominated the charts. You've probably heard of ABBA. Since winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974, this band has opened the way for other Swedish talents. This includes musicians such as Roxette, Robyn, Lykke Li, Avicii, and others who have achieved international acclaim. If you like ABBA, you should go to the ABBA Museum in Stockholm.
The biggest constellation is Hydra which extends over more than 3% of the night sky, while the smallest is Crux covering a mere 0.165%. Centaurus contains the largest number of visible stars at 101; while Canis Major contains the brightest star in the celestial heavens, namely Sirius, which has an apparent magnitude of -1.46 and means ‘glowing’ in Ancient Greek. Mensa, on the other hand, is the faintest constellation in the night sky as its brightest star has a visual magnitude of just 5.09.
Blue Mountain coffee, cultivated in Jamaica's nameake area, is highly sought after. This luxury coffee is only cultivated on tiny family-run estates at heights of above 7000 feet, and it has gentle flavours and lacks the bitterness found in other coffees.
Your spine protects and safeguards the spinal cord. As you may be aware, the base of the brain is linked to the spinal cord. They are collectively known as the central nervous system (CNS). Can you believe one of your body's most vital components weighs only 35 grams?
This fun fact about the Netherlands dates back to the 16h century when the Dutch invented gin (jenever) and introduced it to the British. It became popular in Great Britain after William of Orange (King William III) held the English, Irish and Scottish thrones. Ever wondered where the term ‘Dutch courage’ comes from? It’s said to originate from when the Brits and Dutch drank gin during the Thirty Years’ War from 1618 to 1648.
Silent film 'The Artist' is widely tipped to win the Best Picture gong at this year's Oscars, but the only silent film to previously win an Oscar for Best Picture was 'Wings' in 1929. The movie is about two young fighter pilots during World War I who starred Charles ‘Buddy’ Rogers, Richard Arlen, Clara Bow, and a young Gary Cooper.
Iguanas are huge lizards that move quickly and easily on land. They have powerful jaws with razor-sharp teeth and long, spiky tails that may be used as whips to drive off predators.
In August of 2020, Swiggy saw a new market that would increase business. With the pandemic forcing people to remain in their homes, the demand for grocery deliveries skyrocketed. The founders of the company developed a new grocery delivery platform that they called InstaMart in August of 2020. This helped to get Swiggy back into a fuller operation to help meet the demand for this important service.
Spirituality can also help you connect with other people. This is one of the reasons why many people find spirituality so beneficial! When you share your beliefs and values with others, it creates a sense of community and connection that is often missing in the world today. Realizing that everyone is a spiritual being and that this is the one thing we all have in common is the thread that connects us all.
This fun fact about the Netherlands may entice beer-lovers to visit – they have the largest pub in all of Europe.
The Drie Gezusters (Three Sisters) pub in Groningen holds the title of the biggest pub on the continent and is a national heritage site. We hope it’s also got the most bathrooms of all the pubs in Europe!
The Drie Gezusters (Three Sisters) pub in Groningen holds the title of the biggest pub on the continent and is a national heritage site. We hope it’s also got the most bathrooms of all the pubs in Europe!