Formula One cars aren't only about speed and power. They are among the safest vehicles on the market. There have been many F1 collisions throughout the years, and most of them have not been fatal. The vehicles are also quite uncomfortable, and it requires a great deal of stamina to compete for hours without becoming tired. According to Wired, an F1 driver may survive an incident in which the car goes from 100 mph to a complete stop in 2 seconds. For a car to be qualified for Formula 1 racing, it must meet hundreds of safety criteria. The driver's cockpit should be safeguarded as well.
World War I was a disaster on scales that most of us alive now cannot understand. What about this as an example? The total number of fatalities. France lost about 1,360,000 men during World War I. In comparison, the United States has reported around 1,350,000 military casualties in total throughout all wars since 1775.
It's possible that driving does not shield you from pollution. In fact, compared to a biker, you can be exposed to roughly 8 times as much. Use your fan's recycled-air setting when you're in heavy traffic to prevent your automobile from absorbing dangerous fumes.
With this prestigious scholarship, Plath went on to study at Newham College in Cambridge, England. She studied under Dorothea Krook, an Israeli literary scholar that Plath held in high regard. Plath kept writing throughout her time in Cambridge and traveled through Europe over the summer.
Yes, the face of the well-known rum brand was a genuine person. In the 1660s and 1670s, he was a Welsh privateer who fought alongside the English against the Spanish in the Caribbean. King Charles II of England knighted him for his first name, Henry. His precise birth year is uncertain, however he was born somewhere around 1635. In 1688, he died in Jamaica, reportedly wealthy.
Mount Sinai is the mountain that Moses climbed to receive the 10 commandments. Located in the Sinai Peninsula, this mountain is sacred in both Christian and Islamic religions. It is an important pilgrimage site and stands at 2,285 meters ( 7,497 feet) high. It is here you’ll find the UNESCO World Heritage Listed Saint Catherine Monastery that we mentioned above.
The legendary elite warriors, also known as the Knights Templars, were given authority of the islands by Charles V of Spain in 1530. They are mainly remembered for successfully defending the island from the Ottomans.
Billions (rather than millions)... MILLIONS of Call of Duty multiplayer battles have already been played long before Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 2, or even the impending Ghosts. In total, 1.4 billion matches have been played, which is far more than all known battles in human history combined.
It takes a lot of water to produce the cotton required for clothing. To put these figures in context, the amount of water required to make a t-shirt is enough to keep one person hydrated for 900 days, whereas the amount of water required to make a pair of jeans is equivalent to hosing down your lawn for 9 hours.
Klecksography—the technique of creating pictures using inkblots—was a popular children's game in the late nineteenth century. In general, the game entailed pouring ink onto paper, flipping it over, and seeing what pictures appeared. Rorschach, who worked in a Swiss asylum, wondered if patients might read these inkblots differently based on pathology, and he had some success with this. That prompted him to start employing his own custom-made, abstract, symmetrical drawings to elicit mental responses from his participants. Rorschach felt that by doing so, he could delve deeper into a patient's psyche than written psychological exams permitted.
The researchers behind this project compiled data from museums, botanical gardens, agricultural centers, and other sources to conclude that there are currently 60,065 tree species known to science. These include Abarema abbottii, a rare and poorly understood tree native to China and Kyrgyzstan, and Zygophyllum kaschgaricum, a vulnerable limestone-bound tree found only in the Dominican Republic. The Global Tree Assessment, which aims to assess the conservation status of all of the world's tree species by 2020, is the next step in this field of research.
The most dramatic stock market meltdown in US history happened on Black Tuesday, October 24th, 1929. It is often assumed that the financial crisis resulted in innumerable suicides, however this was not the case. There were two of them.
Only three films have even won all five of the most coveted Oscars for Best Film, Actor, Actress, Director, and Writing. They are: 'It Happened One Night' (1935), 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (1976), and 'The Silence Of The Lambs' (1992).
Similar to eyelashes, eyebrows assist in keeping sweat and debris out of our eyes. But did you know that the structure of our eyebrows really prevents water from entering our eyes directly? For instance, rain and sweat splash against your brows and slide down the sides of your face, keeping it out of your eyes.
Pavitr meets an old yogi who bestows upon him the strength of a spider in order to combat the evil that threatens the planet. While exploring his abilities, Pavitr declines to assist a woman who is being attacked by numerous males. He departs, but returns when he hears his uncle's cries, who was stabbed while attempting to aid the lady. As a result, Pavitr recognises that enormous power comes with great responsibility. Peter Parker was given the name Pavitr Prabhakar, Mary Jane was given the name Meera Jain, Aunt May was given the name Auntie Maya, and Uncle Ben was given the name Uncle Bhim. Are you still astounded?
While there have been nine mainline Assassin's Creed games so far – if you count 2014's Rogue but exclude the Ezio trilogy remaster – there have been an additional 11 spin-off games, ranging from 2D sidescrollers to isometric adventure titles, released on a whopping 15 different platforms: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, DS, PSP, PS Vita, iOS, Android, Symbian,
Or, to be more specific, an auroch. These meaty bovines are now extinct, but their image lives on in Moldova's flag, which includes an auroch's head mounted on a shield (which is presumably why they're gone, since they continued placing them on shields). The country's biggest football stadium, Zimbru Stadium, gets its name from the Romanian word for bison.
Physics confirms what you've probably known since childhood: wet or moist snow is ideal for making your own backyard Frosty. According to one scientist, the ideal snow-to-water ratio is 5:1.
The first McDonald's drive-thru was erected in a restaurant in Sierra Vista, Arizona, near the military post of Fort Huachuca. Military regulations prohibited soldiers from wearing their uniforms in public, and they weren't about to change into civilian clothes just to grab a burger and rush back to base, so restaurant manager David Rich devised a solution: cut a hole in the wall so that military personnel could pick up their orders without having to exit their vehicle. The idea soon gained popularity due to its ease and simplicity.
On an Intrepid tour, you may participate in a homestay, walk into the forest, and discover more about rural life in Cambodia.
Have toxins? Sunflowers come to our aid. Sunflowers are planted for a reason following a natural disaster like Fukushima. These flowers possess a natural capacity to absorb large amounts of toxins.
Maine has 3,478 miles of coastline if we add inlets and islands. This is the fourth-greatest total in the United States, after only Florida, Louisiana, and Alaska. All of the world's naval fleets could fit into Maine's deep ports.
The Main Belt's objects occasionally exhibit cometary activity and grow tails. Scientists speculate that this may be because they include water ice. Additionally, some of these bodies may be "degenerate" comets, which are comets that have nearly entirely lost their volatile material and are now barely distinguishable from typical asteroids.
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